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Portrait Practice


Just a practice piece using everyone's fav clown as my model. I'll keep making these, as I enjoyed it a lot and I want to get to a point with portraits where they come naturally instead of always being a struggle. My guess is I would love to do the same with: Kidd, Zoro, Chopper, Marco, Boa Hancock, Smoker, Crocodile, and maaaany more. I've been reading One Piece for half my lifetime, so every time I do something wanpi related it gets me back to that 12yo kid who didn't read Bleach or Naruto, just One Piece.

In case anyone interested, what I want to improve in the future is readability, consistency, and believability/realistic feel. These can be helped by using reference, but also I want to see how much I can figure out first and how much I can stylize while maintaining the feeling of reality. Stuff like what 6MV does with their DEGENESIS works is somewhat close to what I'm looking for, but not quite. As I said, it's gonna take a lot of exploration, and I find portraits to be a great catalyst for that kind of experimentation.

Cheers! and as always....




(awesome pixel gorilla by BigBossErndog)

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Dreamin, don't give it up Buggy.

Wait that's not how it goes...

A clown pirate... now that's something you don't see every day. Good work; I could spend all night looking at all the different brush strokes, and how they come together. I know this is digital, but I assume you have used synthetic paint tools. How do you cram so much detail in this smaller resolution, or did you downscale the picture before uploading?

cyangorilla responds:

First off, thank you! That's very nice of you to say :)

Buggy is from One Piece, where there is a bearman pirate and an elephant-shaped sword and a dog-shaped gun, so he is quite the normal guy.

In terms of the brush work, it was all done at the same resolution I uploaded it, since it was a study piece and I prefer to keep those low-res (to avoid detailing too much). The brushwork was one of the focuses of the study, but I mostly used 2 brushes + a smudge brush:

-A standard round where I messed with opacity or density (similar to flow in Photoshop)
-A very basic "bristle" brush I made
-A smudge version of the "bristle" brush

In some parts I added strokes of a dotted brush to break edges with something more than blending.

It is SUPER IMPORTANT to stroke along the surface you are painting, as that gives a more convincing look and doesn't confuse the eye regarding volumes (or at least reduces confusion).

The other thing I did was trying to have contour areas delimited by a saturated stroke where it was necessary to provide a more natural look to them, instead of a hard-surface razor sharp edge.

Hopefully this helped a bit. Shoot me a DM if you have further questions!
Thank you again c:

Awesome Work

Idk much about one piece but what a fancy brushwork, dude.

cyangorilla responds:


Credits & Info


Jul 6, 2020
2:17 PM EDT

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