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Reviews for "Loading Screen"

lol...u were planning to make this shit a series?

u need to get laid


Your going to kill someone with this movie!Its all silent then before you know it....AHHHHHHH!Scared the heck out of me!


What was that? Im still confused. Was it supposed to be funny or what. Mediocre talking jesus head and strongbad put together, didnt really work out for ya.


I don't think you realize how overused this idea is. It doesn't scare me anymore, and I'm sure that a lot of people on NG can say the same.

Surely you can do better than that!

Let's see...
2 points for the scare factor at the end (and for using something cute to pull it off instead of resorting to Linda Blair or some ugly latex-spackled vampire head, like everyone else on the Net's doing these days).

1 point for...well, I love Strong Bad too. Hail, my fellow H*R groupie. All hail Strong Badia!

Now, the bad news.

-1 point for cribbing off Strong Bad's tune in the first place. Nobody can copy Strong Bad.

-1 point for making fun of Jesus. The only real good thing about Christians and Christianity is the guy they claim to venerate. If they actually WERE more like Jesus, this world would be a better place. Don't make fun of the Hippie God.

-1 point for botching the mockery. If you ARE going to make fun of Jesus, at least have the courtesy to do it right. The South Park Jesus-versus-Satan boxing match had style. The only style this flash will get is for figure and form as it plunges off the diving board into oblivion.

-1 for racking up Turd of the Week. Suckitude snowballs, don't you know?

-2 points for ennui. Zzzzzzz. Oh, look. Jesus' mouth is moving and words are coming out. Zzzzz. This negative score would be lower except that the boredom DID serve as a set-up, lulling me into complacency in time for the loud bunny shocker at the end. Maybe the dullness was intentional regarding this, but remember: people come to NG to see or share various forms of entertainment. To be entertaining, it has to pull people in somehow. With that in mind:

-(a whole lot of points) for effort. Clip art looks better than this. Windows Minesweeper looks better than this. Prehistoric Beavis + Butt-head clips looked better than this. But here's more good news. This flash DID inspire me to finally get out there and find a good flash editor just so I can prove before the eyes of all that I myself can do better than this, thus lending me greater privilege in judgement. Thank you for serving as my muse and inspiration, man, in much the same way that the invention of the gas mask was "inspired" by mustard gas. If I can put my money where my mouth is, maybe I can skirt the cruel kisses of our peers and win one of the good NG awards...or at least avoid the Turd.

Now, I'm afraid it's time for you and Talking Jesus to get on the bus to Blam City. Please have exact change.