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Reviews for "Darkness"


As usual - it's incredible. I could never imagine drawing something this large. You did an excellent job at maintaining the human figure, especially considering the scale of your work. The mood created by the graphite accents the pose of your subject perfectly.

I've always been impressed with your work, and I still am.

Oh yeah, look at Ornery in all his toned body-ness

I was wondering when you'd be submitting a new piece to the art portal.
Once again, you don't disappoint.
I really hope you can find models soon. Not that we don't love seeing you up in these pieces, but just so that it makes things easier for you and so that you can have some more variation.

Great work Ornery

The light and shade is done extremely well and although it's not perfect it looks extremely realistic. I think you should try and make these type of pictures more interesting by adding more surroundings and atmosphere. For example a faint ray of light would probably look quite good and add to the picture.

Great work.

Obviously the body, and the light on it is wonderfully well done. But what I really admire here is your handleing of the dark space. The amount darkness surrounding the model gives an idea of him being small and alone, but the sligthly lighter central part as well as the floor brings the background up close with the model and gives a claustrophopic feeling at the same time. Also light apparently comming from above, passing by him and reflecting on the floor before hitting him is a nice touch. It gives food for further thoughts about the possible duality of this picture. Great work :)


You are a great artist.