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Reviews for "_-={Apocalypse}=-_"


This music intrigues me. It reminds me of the maddness of war or depression. 10/10 ma main man!

MaestroRage responds:

Madness was the dominant idea behind this song, but depression follows very closely with madness after all, in fact it is probably the first sign.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad it intrigues you, and that you liked it :D!

you are amazing. Here's a story...

Two warriors run side by side through the the baren, rocky terrain. The stop mere inches from the edge of a cliff. "Looks like we have to fight," one said as he turned to face the massive army of undead. "It has been an honor to fight beside you," said the other. Brandishing their enormous broadswords, they charged the unholy hord, fending off wave after wave of the vile abominations. When they final reached the end of their strength, the monsters stepped aside as a knight clad in armor as black as the moonless night walked up to the heroes. "You were fools to stand against me," he said. "Damn you, you son-of-a-bitch!" one of the warriors screamed. The black knight chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'll tell your king of how you screamed and begged for mercy before you died." With that he swung his giant axe, sending both their heads flying high into the air.

Sorry for not reviewing anything in a while, but I'm back now.

MaestroRage responds:

it's quite okay patrick! I'm glad you found your way back :).

As for this knight, what a bastard >:(. I wouldn't have minded being slain as long as I get credit for the little minions I just eradicated with my awesome blade! But then again i'm sure the bitter anger on their faces gave him a little chuckle.

Thank you for the review and story patrick! I'm glad you liked it!

Nice, Heres a story

I like it! Reminds me of chaos and destruction arising from every angle. Heres a story(I'm only 11 so its not too good)
The apocalypse is nearing... and the dawn will only bring the bloodshed of many foolhardy men... The Shadow King sat on a throne of shattered skull tilting a glass of blood down his throat. "The time for my vengeance have finally arrived... today, hell will show it's face upon the Kingdom of Zeranox..." (Evil wicked laugh heard in the distance as screen blacks out and shows a small kingdom) The kingdom of Zeranox was peaceful for centuries after the last Demon Wars, the Shadow King had not come and ravage the lands anymore, thus the soldiers grew weak, lazy, and pathetic. They molested woman, and grew corrupt and greedy. The king was old, weak, and had no successor. The King was upon his death bed in the Chapel of Nox... Archbishop," The king was a good man, and lived for his country as well as died for his country, and we arrive here at dawn to pay our respects to this glorious king..." (cut off) drunk Soldier," Glorious? That king was a f*cking loser, he didn't even have a kid!"... suddenly the chapel erupts in darkness... a sinister laugh is heard in the background as everyone looks towards the opening doors...

MaestroRage responds:

The start of corruption, the end of a once mighty empire. Perfect openings for the demon which will eventually call it home...

You've really made this a place of disgust. Horrible happenings every day, it makes me wish the Shadow King eradicates them all, maybe there is salvation yet for it. As the creator, ultimately that choice is yours to make.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

Heres a story (horrable writer btw)

Nightfall was upon the few remaining soldiers and it seemed the onslaught of blood-stained and mutilated undead would never end. The soldier's leader, Aduro, was as determined as ever to end this madness but most of his men were either deserters or dead. Aduro shouted at the top of his lungs "Charge!" some ran with him towards their doom while others took off in the opposite direction. One by one he cleaved the undead into two with his bastard sword. His other men fought bravely but soon met a grisly fate. With all his men gone, surrounded, and wounded he fears the kingdom is lost but is assured when his brother, Acerbus, appeared on the horizon ontop of some sort of undead giant. "Aduro! Give up your kingdom! Losing your life isn't going to save the kingdom! If you surrender I promies I will allow you to live in nobility!" Aduro shouts back "You heretic! I will never become someone who follows you! You satanist! Burn in hell!!" Acerbus, enraged at his statement, waves his hands and the ground beneath Aduro's feet turned into a cesspool of gore and bone. The cesspool began to form into some sort of ghastly ooze consisting of bone, skin, and blood. The ooze slowly pulls Aduro into the muck despite his best efforts to break free "Acerbus! You don't have to do this! If you stop the killing I will give you the throne you wanted your whole life! Please!!" Acerbus followed the path of Necromancy, he wasn't suppose to feel guilt... But he felt it. Seeing his brother Aduro slowly drown in his own fallen men's blood made him actually think of what he really has done.

"To be continued" (I like cliches...)

MaestroRage responds:

you're not a bad writer at all! There were some parts where flow and direction were a little thwarted, some awkwardly phrased sentences, but the overall sentiment, the core is intact, and effective.

I've never heard of a necromancer who was able to pull together the blood and decayed flesh of the fallen... i've always thought they were more interested in the body and bones of said fallen...

One questions why this necromancer brother decided to undergo this root. The fact he can feel any kind of guilt is proof of his dwindling humanity, perhaps he did approached necromancy only as a means to an end, and not because he wanted to turn the world into a darker, deader place.

Still it takes big commitment to wage war, and kill your fellow kin.

Overall, a great story, and my good Ghettodemon, there is a difference between classic, and cliche. The two are worlds apart, I don't think this storyline is cliche.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

I have a good story too

Will stood up. He picked up his sword and met Phaladon's dark eye.
"Go." he said, "There is no place for you here."
"Never!" shouted Will as he leapt at Phaladon. Phaladon put enough lightning into him to kill a horse.
"You will never defeat me Will. Leave or die."
Will, slowly, got up. His sword was burning with light. But it was drawn from his hands and flung into a stone, and meanwhile, Will's arms and legs were bound to thin air with black matter.
"Urgghh..." gasped Will."NO!"
"Then so be it... I'm sorry Will, but it has to be this way." Hellish flames rose up around him, and he channelled it into Will. Will screamed. More and more pulses of energy circled round Phaladon. It was absorbed into his hands and he sent a massive energy blast at Will, but it bounded off into the sky.
"You cannot harm me like this Phaladon, not while the Zephyr crystal has been activated."
"but... that's impossible!!"
"oh but no Phaladon, it was you who did it. now you are going to regret it."
The chains shattered and Will ran at Phaladon.
"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" screamed Phaladon as he was incinerated.

But more was to come...

MaestroRage responds:

activated by Phaladon? Maybe when he shot the lightning? There is a lot of unanswered questions here, though it does let me imagine quite a few things.

I can't write much without knowing more, but for what was there, it was an interesting scenario! Thanks for the review, i'm glad you liked it!