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Reviews for "_-={Apocalypse}=-_"


I can see a ship with the crew fighting their way through a storm.

MaestroRage responds:

A storm eh?! I must admit i've never even thought of any kind of journy for this piece, yet of course it is a valid idea and the imagery holds strong!

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it... i'm going to sit back and imagine this stormy sea a few more minutes :D!

The story of the gods

"Doom to them all, doom to the immortals and mortals alike!"
"What is the madness you speak of-" The king of all things dark and (umm deathly yeah there we go) deathly disintegrated his right hand man with the virus of OMEN.
His guard instantly vaporized and his crossbow and armour clattered to the floor which startled his Hell Beasts. "Death to the gods themselves I say, to the gods themselves.." He put away his poisoned arrow and fingered the sky. "Death to them all...Even me"And he smiled at the day he died.

By the way I'm eleven.

MaestroRage responds:

For such a young writer, you write quite well! I must admit this story was a tad confusing, people dying and vaporising and then the main guy himself.

You've written quite some stories and I hope you continue writing, you show good potential!

Thank you for the review and story, i'm glad you liked it!

The end is nigh!

'Hark! Hark to the sound of their march crashing upon our land! They close in; the silent, the sightless and the deathless! They have broken us, scattered the king's armies, burned and ravaged our homes and cities!
Despair! Despair for doom itself approaches! His gaze is upon us, hidden like rats in this last great bastion! His gaze is on our king whom God hath deserted!
Lost! We are lost and abandoned by our heroes! Abandoned too by England and Spain and Rome! Our fate is to be forgotten, to be consigned to the earth forever more!
Woe! Woe are we who were arrogant, greedy and unchaste! There will be no peace here, only the cries of the dead and dying!

Woe are we! Woe is France!'

Doomsayers are fun.

In case you hadn't guessed this reminds me of the deathless march, which takes place in a story I'm writing. I really love this piece, will be most helpful, so do excuse me while I go and listen to...everything else you've uploaded :P

MaestroRage responds:

Doomsayers are indeed a great and entertaining element! And I must say you have written the prophecy with a very agile finesse and provocative style. I especially enjoyed Despair part. Very descriptive.

I wonder if all doom warnings are said so elegantly? Sure would make for fun listening on a Saturday night.

"Hear that Bob? We're doomed we are."
"M'yes... quite p_o"

But seriously, thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it! I wish you the best in your story, I hope it sees the finish!


hey, i have a use for this song! :D
or... WILL have a use for this song anyway....


MaestroRage responds:


I'll try to make something SO strange, that your mind will automatically reject it! :D!

However I can make no promises regarding your sanity...

Also saw your flash, Rock Lee is the definition of awesome, have him open the 8 gates, and then the gates to EVERY neighbor's lawn in a 5 mile radius! Supreme power >:}

Nah, do what you want, good luck ^^

Thank you for the review, glad you liked it!

Here, Have a Story.

But before I contribute a story, I gotta say there was an animation on deviantART using this that made the fight it played during absolutely fantastic. Thanks for being a great musician.

Right then! Story!

%u2022 %u2022 %u2022 The steam shot out in screaming bursts as each of the locks released the ultimate weapon of mass destruction into the skies. As the airship ascended, two long-familiar acquaintances, finally aware of who each of them really were and what they had done in the past, clashed mercilessly with every last lethal intention. One fought to finish the job. One fought for revenge.
Years upon years of animosity and sorrow were being unleashed here and now. Never had the world been witness to such a terrifying show of power from both. Their final dispute threatened to ruin the land for miles around.
And there was nobody to stop either of them.
Came the break of that earth-shattering duel, however, the bastard swearing to "finish the job" escaped by the tail of the monstrous airship as the last yards of it left for the sky.
But this hardly meant the end of all that. The revenge-hungry one would not let distance end it.
With one mighty explosion and a flight up towards the fleeting juggernaut, this fight would end in an airborne pursuit. One's hatred could destroy this evil. One's hatred could destroy this world.

MaestroRage responds:

oooh, I do love animations, if you could please pm me with a link to this animation, i'd love to see it :D! And thanks for the kind words, I don't consider myself a great musician, but I like to think i'm on the journey to eventually become one.

And now onto the story :)

I really liked your descriptive sentences here, the flow and imagery painted both fluent, simple but mad efficient. My personal favorite segments were the lines of emphasis

"And there was nobody to stop either of them." as if spoken as a matter of fact. As well as "One's hatred could destroy this evil. One's hatred could destroy this world." It really makes you wonder who is evil here and for what. Clearly this person fighting for revenge does so with a will so strong that fleeing, or even withdrawing was never an option. To pursuit, to punish and above all, to destroy was the only applicable option running through their mind.

Thank you kindly for this story, it was quite the treat! Thanks again for the review, i'm glad you liked it!