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Reviews for "Skears DX"

Aggrivating, but addicting

This game graphically looked much better than the other skear games. I liked the bigger screen size and I think it was a lot more challenging, especially the last level which was incredibly agrivating, but still fun to play. I still can't beat it, but I'd say you created a very good series of games off of this skear thing. Nice job.

AcidDimensions responds:

You get quite specific with your praise, mentioning "the bigger screen size". That's great.

Touching upon your experience is useful also.

However, your review does lack any real criticisms or suggestions.

That's the only real flaw in your review.

Still, it was somewhat useful to read.


Stay funky,
- Bez


Amazing challenge

Just to let you know, I really love this game, in case you can't tell from the score ;) Your touches of originality when creating levels knows no bounds, and even with a very limited amount of parts to the game, you very still able to create a very enjoyable if not a bit frusturating game.

The game graphics are not anything special looking by all means, but they get the job done. The way you arrange the skears is pretty cool for most of the levels, especially level 7, which was the most interesting level for me to play, because of the way the level plays out. You also change the colors of the skears sometimes, which was a nice touch.

Some things to think about would be how to add to this game without getting repetitive. You have ten levels so far, all of them diffilcult for the most part. Try changing up the background more. Maybe make it animated or simply just different, so the player can really see that he or she has moved on past the previous levels. A good way to do this could be to make the background darker as the player moves on, or something of that nature. You also only have two types of skears, and you use them creatively to create fun levels, but there is only so much you can do. There could be skears that change color, skears that disseaper and reappear, etc. Even slight changes to the types skears could open up a large variety of new challenges that you could base levels off.

Your somewhat humorus commentary that comes up every time you die was fun to read, especially while on my quest to become a skears master, which I have not yet become after losing spirit when making my first mistake on the last level. Oh well, I'll come back to this game later. What I would suggest, and this is something I think would be very important, would be that if you're going for the no mistake ending, that after dying at a level, there could be the addition of a "restart" button, so I could try again from the beginning, rather than try the same level over to beat the game, which I have already done. The ending to the game was cool though. I like the "THE END" screen where I had to destroy the skears to continue to the next screen, neat.

This is really a great game to play, and because of it's diffilculty, it shouldn't be considered a little mini game that you can shrug off in five minutes.

AcidDimensions responds:

Awesome review.

Your opening paragraph is gushing with praise and contains some nice usage of the English language.

You mention your few caveats and do go on to give suggestions, which is brilliant.

The one part of your review I couldn't follow is at the bottom of paragraph 2, where you write, "You also change the colors of the skears sometimes, which was a nice touch."

The Skears remain the same colours throughout. Or maybe you're talking about the way they're semi-transparent? I shall assume you were.

You give excellent suggestions, and expand upon them which is nice.

Even though I'd thought of them before (it has been years, after all), it's useful to know what you'd most appreciate seeing.

Incidentally, the abandoned version of Skears 2 does have 'warping skears'. Skears DX is the best imo though.

The point about the restart button, though, I had not thought of and it's a very good point.

It's nice how you get specific with your praise, like pointing out the commentary etc. Hearing about your experience (your horribly timed mistake) is always interesting.

Praise and criticism/suggestions both abound and are clearly put forward. Personal experience is touched upon and the last paragraph is a great summary.

Your usage of the language is commendable and there is no waffle.

My only complaint is that one sentence I mentioned earlier, which is a little unclear.

Also, in the last paragraph, you should have written, "because of its diffilculty" (no apostrophe). Only write "it's" when you mean to say, "it is".


Thanks for another great review.

Might I humbly request you write your opinions on my "'Asteroids' music video"?

Either way, thanks and stay funky.

- Bez


Well I thought this was more challanging than the mini spear games I played. I really had to work to get to the final level.
I might be a bit slow after playing so many games but still I had lots of fun playing this. The game was plentyo of challanging and the increse in difficulty as the levels got higher was great.
I am currently still playign the final level . It is giving me some trouble. I must say you made a fun game here. I say add more levels, but I am having enough problems with the final one.
Can't say the game is too eay, sur you can get past the first few board easy but you are supposed too.
Over all I caould play this for a while and waste time no problem.

AcidDimensions responds:

You start by mentioning the difficulty, give a caveat, then elaborate.

Elaboration appreciated.

You mention your current status. Personally, I try to not review games unless I've completed them or basically decided it's not worth my time to bother. If you were going to try and complete the last level, maybe you could have waited until after to review this.

I mean, maybe you wouldn't like the ending. Or maybe it'd be so good that your mark'd be even higher.

You don't give much in the way of criticism though. You haven't said anything about the lack of sfx or music. Should I assume you got tired of saying it or that you simply didn't miss them this time?

I assume nothing. Assumptions are dangerous. But I will bear in mind the possibility of the former.

Anyhow, as you gave the game a 7, it's obviously not perfect. Telling me how I could improve my next effort, when I return to the series would be of great help.

Overall, it was a great review. A good amount of detail as always. Nicely broken into paragraphs.

Nothing in the way of criticism though.


Thanks again,
- Bez


The graphics, the squares looked like how they were on Mini Skears. Nice background as well. The sound, there's one sound effect at the start, but that's fine. This game, I can see this as a remake with level 10, which I couldn't beat. :| I still had a good go at the other levels on this game. Nice work.


AcidDimensions responds:

I review your review: A nice mix of objective info and subjective appraisal. It's only until your 2nd sentence that I realise you actually consider the skears 'nice'. Or are you simply saying that there is a nice background in addition to the skears? That's a bit unclear.

Your 4th sentence, regarding your being able to see that this is a remake, seems a bit clumsy. Again, your meaning is clouded. Didn't you notice until then that this was a remake? I'm left uncertain.

I approve of having a quick summary at the end of your reviews and you give a good attempt at feedback.



Stay funky,
- Bez


i almost beat it a couple of times but its just so freakin hard.it would be cool to have like a sound when you got a skear so you could keep your rythm.cool game.i would have given it a ten but its just so hard.but i guess thats what makes it fun.

AcidDimensions responds:

I have noises in the later 'Mini Skears' games, but I thought they actually got kinda annoying.

I'd like to try something experimental with that concept sometime though...

Glad my games proved fun for you. :)

Stay funky,
- Bez