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Reviews for "How to Vote; Revised!"


fuking hell that was annoying. I wanated to slice all of those little bastards heads off. The animation was crap. It's just a load of still images morphed together.

Fuck, Im sorry but this fuking long movie was a waist of time. If you wana know how to vote just hover over the voting buttons for christ's sake.


This fucker has everything, A MOVIE THAT TELLS US HOW TO BLAM ITSELF!!! This is worse than my shit animations. And that is hard to beat.

not much point

this wasnt that educational. if u didnt know everything but the history then,... thats sad.

yea, u do need some ideas....

when that kid said "ill show u how 2 animate" i nearly laughed... beacuse if he is goin 2 show us but he isnt even animated hes just a pic... i wanted to c what happened next. but nooo nothing happened... for some reason.

the action scenes... when that girl shot that paper... and then the guy grabbed it... that was so boring and pointless that i wanted to press x.

2 lazy 2 type any more

speed up

It is a bit slow. To speed things up you could have the characters talk. This would improve it more. But really, we do not need that much time to read. I liked the music.


altough it did have good animation and stuff it laked graphics so i give it a 3

............owwwwwwwww........hehe and i still dont no how to vote lol

Juushiro responds:

XD No surprise there