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Reviews for "Atomic: REDUX"

Really fun and simple gameplay. Reminds me a lot of those old cool math games. Although, the visuals lack a distinct style and are sort of generic. Other than that, it is very enjoyable. It could use just a little more creativity in its presentation.

blit-blat responds:

Glad you liked it! We wanted to go for a quite minimalistic, spacey feel, hence the fairly muted style. Will add more bells & whistles next time! :)

The RNG Puzzle game de jour. Still, it's pretty fun, even if the only real challenge is figuring out that making the red balls explode bigger is the most important upgrade.

blit-blat responds:

I always say Speed is the most important upgrade but bigger radius is certainly helpful as well!

Ehh, unfortunately, I'm not really feeling this game. While I can appreciate that, as it seems to be built for mobile, it's going for a rather simple arcade game, and while the basic premise does remind me of games that I do enjoy, such as Infectonator, I'm just not feeling the appeal in this.

The main conceit of basically putting down a piece of fly paper and seeing how many flies you can catch just seems rather dry and so luck-dependent. Since the red atoms start to fade immediately on level start instead of once you place your green atom, there's no time to try and plan: all you can do is slap it down based on general feeling and see what happens. May as well just be pulling the lever of a slot machine to see if you win: I'm not a gambler myself, so again, the appeal is lost. And no, I don't see the appeal of grinding until you level up enough to win either as it just feels imbalanced and silly.

The game may have a lot of levels, but they all seem the same since all it is doing is increasing the number of red atoms. It feels fake and completely unnecessary as I don't really feel like I'm progressing without any sort of significant changes that affect gameplay and introduce variety: where are some walls being placed in the levels, or maybe multiple red atom explosions, or slow-mo fields, or something, anything? Then again, the game didn't keep me hooked, so perhaps the later levels did this? I wouldn't know.

I had hoped that the other game modes would change up things significantly, but no, they just change the properties of the game in a barely noticeable way (bounce) or in a completely idiotic way that screws you over (phase). I was really hoping that, as an example, bounce would be a game mode where the balls are affected by gravity and bounce around like superballs: at least then you might be challenged to place your green atom in a different manner since the pathing is different. Or maybe you could've made it so that the green atom bounces around, just anything more significant than that.

Maybe you can just chalk it up to me not being the target audience: maybe something about this might be addictive and fun to certain people like gamblers. Even I'll admit that it can be 'fun' to see the red atoms smack into your green atom: it sounds like bubble wrap being popped. But for me, it just felt like an incredibly lazy design that is padded and stretched thin with repetitive content and an unnecessary unbalanced grind on top.

the level failed sound is like the ding when ur on a plane

blit-blat responds:

Haha, never noticed that before, can't unhear it now! :D

Cool game!

blit-blat responds:

Thanks! :)