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Reviews for "Waha's Robot Daze"

It takes a few rounds to get used to the controls, but I'm glad I stuck through it. The action parts turn out to be really satisfying. The main drag in the controls is the delay when turning around; it's too long and makes the character feel unresponsive until you learn to expect it.

While getting used to the controls, I was enjoying the puzzle/dialog sections more, and wished the game would focus more on them. I ended up liking and preferring the main action, but I still hope the next part explores puzzle design even deeper.

It was also unclear how many rounds are remaining in a level, and at first I thought it was just reloading the level when I beat it. A progress bar or "Round 2 / 5" label could help indicate how much is left, as well as a transition animation between scenes.

The scoring system felt kinda inconsequential beyond having something to show at the end of a round. I bet shooting for a higher score could be more appealing if there was a better feedback loop during gameplay about how many points you're getting and how close you are to the next grade.

The graphics were lovely and I enjoyed the characters. Great work, I'll keep my eye on this one!

Got Stuck in Second Level with Light Blue Junk. 3.5/5 Very Good Game Concept / Story.

It's fun and the graphics are cool.

The presentation is great; I just wish the controls felt a little tighter

rickropes responds:

Hey thanks for playing and for the feedback!

We tried to make the controls similar to Wario Wood's which also had tanky-er controls.
The game has been updated to hopefully make everything smoother, snappier and faster :)