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Reviews for "_-={The Desire to Destroy}=-_"

My man

It's my old pal Rage!! What's up!!?! It's Beegeezee!! This new jam is tight! I just put out 3 more recently! Stop by and check them out if you get a chance. But seriously, I'm voting this shit a 5 because I like your style, man! You have great sound quality as well, which I can really appreciate cause I know how hard it is to obtain. Keep up your fascinating work and hopefully our paths shall cross once more.

MaestroRage responds:

hey Beegeezee!

I'm glad you liked this piece, it was one HELL of a monster to equalize let me tell you. I still didn't do as good a job as I would have liked to, but I suppose thats how the bell tolls.

I'll definitely check out your new tunes, once again thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it ^^!


how do u do

glad to hear something from u
ok like, RIGHT wen i heard the first chord, i immediately knew
o snap, maestros favorite key haha (a minor for the noobs out ther..)

the cymbals wer in my opinion a bit overwhelming
but a great addition to the piece nonetheless
thers not much of a theme here but the motif gives a great deal of power,
but i was hoping for a bit more variation on that rhythm of the i VI ii i progression

the lead up to the ending was intense
the harmonic minor scale up to the i ii V was a nice idea
but u couldve harmonized each note into a chord
u had all the instruments play the same note in unison
which for the first part of the crescendo wouldve been ok
but lik as it intensified itd b cool to have more and more chord value in each passing measure.
haha i love the sounds of those guys yelling
it almost kinda sounds lik theyre saying war

loop is for the most part fine
but iono if its my computer or not or if its the site
but it sounds like thers a split second airbubble between the end and the beginning wen it loops

all in all its a great submission for the contest
wish u luck
now i gotta make a third submission haha


MaestroRage responds:

The cymbals were overpowering you say?! It is a little hard to properly judge and measure sounds with my near headphones. You see I got ones with automatic bass boost enabled, I don't know if I can turn it off, and on top of that because I don't get a flat response from them, it further muddles what I should be hearing.

Long story short, I got headphones that were meant for entertainment, not production. Back to the shop I suppose...

And you're right... there IS that bubble at the end, though when I play it on my software there is no bubble... hmm, strange.

Yes, this piece was not meant to have a theme, only brutal, punishing motifs *please pm me if I wrote that incorrectly*, I figure, the more melodic, the more noticeable you make a theme, the more tiring it becomes to listen to again and again, especially if you're aiming to have a minute'ish loop. For this reason I figured that a theme was not necessary.

Those guys yelling, I love em too :). I was thinking of taking them out, but they further enhance the image the song was born from.

I'm glad you enjoyed it Winter, bring on your best work!

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

Huge effort here! :D

You said in your news post this was a MAC entry, so why am I not surprised? :D I'll jump right in and start reviewing right away.

Not really too much to comment on, I like what you did with the choir in the first half or so of the song. Makes it nice and ominous. >:) I really like the way this song is structured! :) The percussion is very well-done, too, it adds a lot to the song.

The one thing I don't like, however, is the buildup at the end of the loop, which sounds like you're trying to make this song sound like one of those movie trailer soundtracks at their climax. :P A little more effort could have gone there - you tried but it was missing a little something that made it fall flat there, unfortunately. It kinda stood out of the song that way. The rest of the song was brimming with effort - this had it too, but not nearly as much. Of course, if the movie trailer feel might not have been what you were going for there, but even then it still could have done with a bit more effort.

That aside, though, I have to say this is a serious contender to be reckoned with in the MAC! I wish you the best of luck in the contest, Maestro. :)

Storytime now, though it'll probably be a short one since this is only a minute long. :P What's more is that, exciting as battlethemes are to listen to, stories end up being a bit cliche for my tastes. :\ Aah well, I'm trying to be original.

The sun glares harshly on two swordsmen in the center of a battlefield. All soldiers around them have fallen, and they, the leaders of their armies, wait for their opponent to make the first strike as they circle each other.

They realize that there is no good or evil - they are simply fighting for their own side. They realize the other's cause is as worthy as theirs, and that the battle is virtually a tie already and their fight here is meaningless if they wish to serve their own country. Yet they continue to circle each other.

Tension builds, and as they circle each other they realize only one between the two of them will live. The last thing they will see is the victorious gleam of their foe's sword. And still they circle.

That's all. And, whaddaya know, if you go back to the first paragraph, it loops too! :D How many people have done THAT before? ;)

Great song, Maestro, I enjoyed it! Keep up the great work, and good luck in the MAC. :)

MaestroRage responds:

Ah i'm glad you mentioned the percussion Karco, a lot of time was spent on them this time. For a brutal punishing theme the percussion is what makes or breaks the piece. Without them the song sounds incredibly flat and lifeless. Enough to the point it makes me laugh, and shed tears of shame.

Of shame Karco!

The climax at the end was not really intended to sound like a trailer, and i'll be honest here, I got the idea to try something like that after listening to Hans Zimmer's Pirates of the Caribbean 3rd OST "Drink Up Me Hearties". Somewhere in that song, alongside many other songs, he has a very powerful build up. Though my build up differs, and honestly doesn't convey as much energy, I felt the method would be a convinient way to loop. Whether that was the case or not is obviously debatable.

and Hah! I've never seen anybody write a story that loops XD. An infinite cycle of walking in circles, I can picture it now! The seasons, the weather, all cycling with them!

In any case, thanks for the review Karco, always a pleasent read! I am glad you liked it ^^.

Cool loop MR

I ran out of ideas what to say... but "good job" never gets old

so... Good job

MaestroRage responds:

Hey phoenixfirex, sorry about the late delay my good sir. I'm afraid super long delays like this are inevitable until the system is upgraded.

In any case, thanks for the review, i'm glad you liked it :D!


I can't help but imagine a dojo of training samurai's here. I think it has something to do with that "huah" 's and the clacking of stickly things.

I can see this being implemented as you said in the author comments... a suiting piece to go with one of Adrian Smith's drawings of the Chosen from Warhammer.

"fear not, he cannot kill what he cannot see, and power has blinded him years ago"

MaestroRage responds:

those stickly things originate from the Taiko drums. They are asian originated, so that might explain it. I do love them do, those sticks, clickity clack :D!

And that saying is BRILLIANT! I will definitely have to use that for a song someday, the very description brings about a world of dark wonders!

Thank you greatly for the review, i'm glad you liked it!