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Reviews for "Unprofessional Mischief"

i really like the art/aesthetic. very hotline miami'ish

was that your main inspiration or just one of the main ones?

also, overheating on a vertical shmup is an interesting take. i don't think i've seen that before.

re dev: huh? wtf are you talking about. obviously you know what hotline miami is.

factzmachine responds:

it wasn’t my inspiration bc I did like one thing and I have no idea what Hotline Miami is lol!!!

That was awesome! A perfectly done bullet hell experience. I was a little discouraged on trying to beat it after realized that if I lost all my lives, but I persevered and was able to get it done.

I really enjoyed the characters and quirky vibe of the whole game. There was plenty of polish when it came to the art style and I really appreciated the very responsive controls. If it wasn't able for me to fly around the screen the way I was able to then I'm not sure if I would've been able to beat it.

I loved all the different items I could get which was a nice breath of fresh air between each level and made the game a little more forgiving. The orange traffic cone saved my life for sure.

Hopefully you end up making a second one. Having a large mall as the next "world" sounds like a blast.

Thank you for making it!

minor complaint: putting in a normal stage after a boss fight feels mean as hell, like, there's money to spend but you can't really do anything with it

It's weird, because I had a feel you'd get a medal for just playing. It was just such a complicated looking game. I really did like this, though. I felt like you had a lot going on. The enemies were very nicely designed. It was a little annoying with how I had to get more ammo.

I guess it was unique that way. The music was also great. The graphics were really good. I didn't need to pay attention to any story. It worked fine with just how odd it was.

why do the volume controls go into the negatives. i'm going to beat you with a cardboard tube

sad because i can't regen life

it's a lot to take in the first time you play so you don't see the bullets coming at you from below you. but the artstyle is very cool

Just-a-ng-dummy responds:

It goes to negatives but if you press space enough it can go to the positives again :/