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Reviews for "_-={Solemn Stone}=-_"

If only I had reviewed this one earlier!

I saw this song this morning except I was on a computer with no sound and so I couldn't listen to it, let alone review it. >:( Aah well, I was going to get to it sooner or later. You know, it's actually been a while since you've submitted... I was expecting your MAC entry. Looks like you're putting more effort in it than that, though... :D

Hmm. I'm not seeing very much that's new in this song. Like The Journey - I listened to that one, I just didn't review it - the percussion, for example, in that one was great. :D And your songs At Roads Ends, Wrath of a Vengeful Soul, and Arise Sleeper all had huge effort in them, which always counts for something. ;) But there's not much new in this one... just some food for thought: have you ever made realism your top priority for a song, tried to make it sound played live? Because, admittedly - it's a slight exaggeration but I hope I'm not being too harsh - sometimes you use instruments almost like synths. :\ Sometimes, in songs like Arise Sleeper and Wrath of a Vengeful Soul, you use them VERY realistically... but I'd like to see sometime what it would sound like if you made realism your top priority. Again, just a thought. ;)

Awesome door and crowd effects... like the character's walking into a colosseum, for brutal punishment in front of thousands. :O The sword/metal-on-metal effect at the end makes for a nice cliffhanger, too. A suggestion for the crowd effects - I wouldn't think a crowd would be dead silent until the gladiator walks in... they'd be chatting amongst themselves... or even cheering already, to be reenergized by the gladiator walking in. I can't expect you to have a crowd sample playing through the entire song, of course. XD But maybe fade it in?

The image begins as a rugged-looking character is violently dragged by two guards. The purpose is not known but it can be assumed the character comitted a crime. People stare down the street as he is dragged towards the colosseum.

He is kept in a prison there and as days turn to weeks he anxiously awaits his fate. But no longer than a month passes until the busy colosseum finally reaches him, and he is taken out - the guards kick the door open and throw at him a sword and some light armor. As they walk to the colosseum door, the guards realize there's no resistance. They let him walk on his own.

As the huge door opens, the crowd looks in his direction and is reenergized by the sight of the criminal. They cheer and jeer and various items are even thrown at him. He pays them no mind and stares at the challenge in front of him - an armored soldier, his face masked by his helmet. He raises his sword and spins it, and it can be seen this man is a hired professional. Silence enshrouds the audience and the battle begins.

End of the story, what do you think? The images I got from the effects were just too good for me to ignore. :D Great song, hope my advice helps, looking forward to more.

MaestroRage responds:

your advice is always honest and appreciated Karco! I know that the crowd would not remain silent, however it became distracting and got old if it kept going, alongside that, I believe one or two reviews below yours is a review written by Dreamshire concerning the full story for the piece.

I did enjoy your story, a great deal. I love the gladiator scene, the broken, vicious criminal. The hardened maniac in a sense, whose desire to exist, to survive, bypasses those of morals and ethnicity.

This is also a rather old piece to be honest. Dreamshire had asked me to make a piece, and I had made it MONTHS ago, however I wasn't happy with how it turned out. I kept tinkering, and changing, and rebuilding, until at last he asked me one day "Is the theme happening at all?" *not exact words*, and I realized he was right. Enough was enough.

I put it up, and because it is an older piece, it doesn't have the equalizing, mastering I have now.

I'm still glad you enjoyed it, thank you for the review and story :).


Confused about this dreamshire thing. Your past reviewer's song which you remixed? Anyway it sounds like I'm watching gladiator. That movie was awesome. Again very epic. The strings are very emotional and the plucking of cello? fits ever so nicely. Brass, excellent choice. Works wonders for this gladiator style. Now that transition was really strange (the one before the crowd starts cheering). Sounds like a really messed up block that you rubbed a stick against. When I say strange I don't mean its bad. Very unique though. I was hoping for a dark bell somewhere in the song. Maybe there was but I didn't here one. Nice ending. Personally I like definate endings rather than the fade out (or is that fade in? always confuse between the two) Did you put vibrato/tremelo on the violin to make it dreamy? Overall a 5/5 and sure a 10/10. You got some nice talent with them classical songs.

MaestroRage responds:

hello Music-story!

This song was constructed for Dreamshire-Fire's character and story revolving around Orson Stonerule. It is not a remix per say, but a cue or piece depicting that story that he showed me.

The dark, battle, angry piece is the second part of this story. This is the daunting, and heroic entrace of the hero, before the defining battle to end all things.

I'm glad you liked the piece, I hope you will hear the second part, when it comes out :D. Thank you for the review ^^.

Also, it's not really a fade out, more a trailing cliff hanger, there were no tremelo, but vibrato was in excessive use here.

Once again, thanks ^^.

Maestro, Bravo.

From the story of Orson Stonerule himself.
He stood finally before the doors of the king. Renault had wronged him for the last time (Be aware that king Renault was possessed by evil to summon a great devourer on the land, among other severe wrongdoings personally to Orson.). It had gone far enough, and his companions, the entire land, could no longer suffer this. His fallen comrades, Idalea, Kalumus, Arandir. And that traitor Morton in his midst... This was the final chapter, and Orson was determined to make it so. The villagers had crawled out of their darkened houses to see if it was true, that the quiet rumors that spread so quietly under the king's nose had been real. And there he was, the one true warrior standing amidst the hopelessness of his once beautiful land. His mighty blade, Grace, sat comfortably in the sheath on his side, and he stepped forward and with a forceful thrust, swung open the great doors to the hall of the king. The villagers screamed with joy, they could all feel it, their savior had risen. Orson was the man they all somehow knew would slay Renault, and he knew it as well. He couldn't know if would leave the hall alive, but he knew the king wouldn't. With a solemn and powerful defiance in his eyes, he drew his blade...

MaestroRage responds:

well written Dreamshire! I believe you have already sent me the story for the second part, if there are modifications or changes made in the story, please be sure to let me know ahead of time.

I hope everybody enjoys the second part as well.


There is no other word to describe this piece other than awesome. This is incredible. The technical aspects of this one are as close to perfect as you can get them. The aspect that really sinches the song is the lone string instrument solos at 0:19 and 1:12. Single instruments playing slow, gradually rising tunes really puts one in the mindset of something epic to come. Another thing that I like about this song is the very subtle choir in the background of the song. For a piece like this, the choir needs to be in a supporting role or it can overwhelm the orcestra, which detracts from the song. This hits it just right. The final element that makes it perfect is the lone woman's voice towards the end of the song. My only complaint about it is that it is over so quickly. You might consider doing an extended version.

What I see for this piece is a towering fortress burning in the predawn gloom. An army covers the land around it and warriors battle in the inner courtyards. A lone warrior stands in the keep's entryway, waiting the moment to join in the battle. Then, he draws his sword and pushes open the door to the keep. At once, the sounds of battle fill his ears and the horror of battle is laid out before him. He rushes into the melee, striking as fast as he can weild his blade. Warrior after warrior falls to his sword and he is soon into the outer courtyards. Then there is one last blow and the scene goes black.

If you were to extend this piece, that scene could continue on for many more paragraphs. Oh well, a very good job and straight tens for the Maestro. Keep it up.

MaestroRage responds:

I really loved your story Denver. It is a great and inspiring image, and I enjoyed living in it!

I may do an expanded piece, though most likely I should finish the second part, where the full battle is shown. For Orson Stonerule does not just fight fighters, but he is to fight a dark and powerful enemy.

I'm going to have fun depicting that one!

You hit the spot with the choirs. I made them hum their chords, and slightly sway, to gently work themselves into the mix. They worked effectively and I felt there was no need to expand on them!

I loved that solo woman part too, that is where the last half originally formed, and then I worked backwards from there.

Thank you for the review Denver, it is always a pleasure, I am glad you enjoyed it!

Reviewing as I listen.

Very good.


The viola was a nice effect. I believe a clarinet would've also made a nice instrument for "hopelessness".

All of the percussion other than cymbals was more or less unhearable during the beginning.

I think some percussion would've mad for a good sound during the second part. Just snare drums. Like military drums, none of the bass stuff.

The singers could've been a little more forward, right now they're as loud as people going out caroling on christmas eve and realizing halfway through the song that they're singing to an atheist.


Good. I couldn't keep track of the key, so you pass. XD.

10, duh.
I have no idea what diversity is, so 10. YAY!
Just the few problems I mentioned in the suggestions. 8.
10. Self-explanatory.

Great job man, keep 'em coming.

MaestroRage responds:

ah MJTTOMB, nice to read from you :).

The choir is supposed to be really soft here my good sir. I did not intend them to do anything more then hum, and gently sway their support into the mix. The bass drum I used in hopes of emphasizing the deep fear within the hero. Selfless, courageous, but even hero's know when to be scared.

The second part of this song will be fully military, fully battle, where as this is fully the calm before the storm.

Clarinet eh? I've just recently found my love for the clarinet, and i'll upload the piece which convinced me to love it sometime soon. I did not even consider it at this point, and if I had considered a wood wind, my first reaction would have been oboe, as I feel the oboes sound is both sorrow filled, and hopeless playing the right countermelody to this piece!

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it ^^.