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Reviews for "Dragon Ball TM: Comic 1"

haha, ahahahahahahaha

this was pretty damb funny, vegeta was true to his charachter, it was just hilarious that's all i got to say

Great comic

This looked like it would be good comic but the words are unlegable. I guess i'll have to visit the web site. change that and this would probaly be a 5.

it was ok....

well on my computer, i couldn't read the things that you wrote in the comic and when i zoomed in, the writting was all messed up and yeah... newayz, it was a pretty good comic book thingy. keep up the good work!

Pretty Good except....

It was all cool except for the little music it had you should've added some better music ... well more music. over all it was a pretty good comic make more like it .. and... uuuhhh... I...uuuhhh... wont.... uhhh... write bad reviews muahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahaha

My eyes!!!!!!

Naw...not really,this was good,keep drawing!