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Reviews for "Tetris 2003"

not original

the whole game is unoriginal. everyone has the same setup. If you wanted to show any artistic ability, you didnt succeed. learn some creativity, especially if you want higher scores on your submissions.

InfamousD responds:

Who said I wanted to "succeed" in this game that has been done b4? slut blog.

ok game, but the sound ruined everything...

this would hve been a not too bd tetris game if not for the horrible sound/music, and the carmen pic was too small, I was hoping on being able play the game and masturbate at the same time, but NO! The pic was too small, and it could hve been made so that a different pic came up each time one completed a level, but it had none of that so it gets 4/10 from me, even though it would have been a ok tetris game if not for that heinous music and sound!

InfamousD responds:

Be as it may, that's good that you weren't able to masturbate, cause only perv's do that when they can't git any.

the music

ok the carmen electra part was pretty pointless,, but that music was awesome so thats why I liked it. funny music.


u couldn't make the pic bigger?


shitty game

InfamousD responds:


skitty reviewer