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Reviews for "Heaven's Ring"

Fun game, the music is lovely and the art style is really cute.
Pretty tough as well!

its nice but i find the controls a little finicky

could do with a bit smoother controls, otherwise it's enjoyable

A bit unwieldy to control, but it's a fun game with a lot of replayability just to get that sub-minute score. Level 4 is definitely the most finicky of the lot, and it can be really annoying trying to thread those narrow gaps.

Also, 51.63 seconds. \o/

Larger super jumps take too long to build up requiring button mashing and luck. This ruins attempts to complete the game under a minute. Shouldn't the code consider 3 jumps to be enough and nothing more?
I did like this game but now that I'm playing it again and again problems do show :/

dreamcastgh0st responds:

Yeah, this is less a problem with the engine, and more with how it's communicated to the player. We screwed up the explanation of the bounces-- how high you go is based on how close you are to the ground when you hit the button, not how many times you've bounced. Another thing is that if you don't bounce high enough, you can dash UP at the peak of your jump, as an extra little boost.

Not saying this isn't a problem, it totally is. The game doesn't sufficiently teach its mechanics to you, which isn't ideal, obviously. Not an excuse, just figured the extra info might help you if you're still going for under 1 minute, lol

Glad you still enjoyed the game despite its flaws!