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Reviews for "Vampire Hunter INA 3"


It had good graphics and plot/story-line but the voices got anoying after a while. also the animation wasnt very good also the thing said mild nudity and i was wondering what that was for all there was was cleavage and but cracks showing; basically the clothes were thight.


The movie was pretty good, but the voice acting was horrible and there was some weird crackly noice the entire time. The drawing was great, as usual, and for some reason I found that car scene amusing...I was in a weird mood. Anyway, I think you should stick to funny movies like the Harry Potter ones...those were awesome. Especially the preloader "trick or treat!" "Trick bitch!" haha a masterpiece.

Hard to Care About

I find it hard to really care about any character in this series, they're all bland with nothing much to said about them. ALL of their bios even say "much is unknown about <character name here>", even a very certain group of vampires apparently is "unknowable".

Mystery can be great as a plot devise, but man... What is going on?

The animation has always been impressive, it's just a shame you had a weak story and NO character intrigue to back it up.

Quite Astonishing.

How this run of movies made it anywhere near the top 50 is beyond my ability to understand. The graphics were better than some of the rainbow gradient stickmen of days gone past, but were far too limited. The Voice acting was flat out horrible, but it is better than no voices at all. The violence was poorly executed and the storyline (attempting to be rational) is the biggest flaw in the entire idea... it reminds me of escape from LA.

Kepp it up, and try to do better.

P.S. Tell the girl who voices the main character not to EAT the microphone for christs sake... it's hard to take this movie seriously with all that varying sound volume and breath.

(Hopefully) constructive criticism

I want to start by mentioning what I like about this series. The story, while difficult to understand at times (mostly due to poor sound quality I think, I can't blame you for that with the budget you've got for this thing) is interesting. I like the story, even though it does seem reminiscent of Highlander at times. That's mostly the secret information society thing. Kinda Anne Ricey too now that I think of it(sorry).
But coming up with an original story that happens to be a lot like other stories is something I can identify and sympathize with. Even borrowing stuff along the way. But the thing is I admit I do it. You folks have stated previously that you aren't borrowing from Blade or D but - Viv rides a unicycle very similar to one in D:Blooodlust, and she also uses tools and a sword which are very reminiscent of Blade. There's no crime in it, but you should at least admit where your inspiration comes from.
Even if you came up with something (like the cycle for instance) before ever seeing it somewhere else, it would help your credibility tremendously to mention the similiarity just to get it out in the open. That way the viewer doesn't feel like you're trying to pull one over on them.
Mostly though, and I am really sorry this turned out so long, the presentation seems...contrived. I really hate to say this, because it's a shame when a cool style gets done to death by the Film and T.V. industries, but nevertheless - the presentation of the action scenes has an overly Matrix-ish feel in my opinion. There's good dialogue and good gore, creative kill/death scenes (if a little monochromatic in the mood department, but that's a personal taste thing). So I hate to see it nearly wasted with a tired delivery.
If you actually bothered to read this whole thing and want to respond (say, to give me an earful about how wrong I am) here's my e-mail: [earthan@catholic.org] I'm not catholic, it's just free e-mail.