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Reviews for "Machine Gun Gardener"

So fun!!

this seems like it should be 5 dollars or free on steam still really fun but the infinite
rapid fire is pretty broken still really good

i didnt know there were 3d games on newgrounds

It's chaotic, addicting, and a lot of fun!

This shooter game is one of the best I've played, the graphics are nice, I like the bombs, and I like being on the roof going D-day mode. However, more games modes would be nice, 2 players would be amazing, a sandbox mode might be too much to ask for, overall, I like this fun little game.

studio11508 responds:

Thanks for the kind words, really appreciate the feedback. I like your ideas about more game modes and 2-player. What game modes would you like to see? As for two-player, I was thinking it could be split-screen, local player. I think adding more features like these could make it Steam worthy at one point.