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Reviews for "Marcus Peblo!!!!!"


ooookkkkkaaayyy... its about a naked baby with a bunch of leafs and a key.... if yer watchin NG stuff for graphics, this is the one ot watch (i watch NG movies for coolness, how funny they are, and how gross they are).


well ill check out the other movies but this first one sucked ass....maybe the series will improve. It damn well better.


I totally didnt get that...the speech either wasnt clear or was in another language other than english. Ive watched it twice but im not clued in yet.

Ya know what?

That was lame. Now, im not goign to go 2 steps down and call it shit. I can certainly say this is the most disappointing series on newgrounds. Nothing about it excited me. A small naked child doesn't open my eyes and make me go "Wow, ya know what? That was amazing!" CUZ I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING AND THE PRESENTATION IS HORRIBLE. How can you justify this bullshit and come out with a DVD? I wouldn't believe it if someone bought this shit. Take an example of "Bitey of Brackenwood" and then come back, you overconfident asshat.

family guy

wow he look's like stewew