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Reviews for "Jesus in... The MATRIX"

And you think your good!?

Ok in some of your review responses all i see is you cussing off users that didn't like your stupid dumb ass gay movie, its not the fact that its because of jesus its because , 1. the graphics looked like a donkey took a shit on your computer

2. the sound was bad

3. wtf did you get this story from?! your fucking ass hole?

See you say to people that to do better, I CAN DO BETTER thing is , i don't know a good story at the moment, and i have a job and have school so its hard to make time for flash which is very time consuming.

Another thing that pissed me off is you told someone off because they used sticks, do you know how fucking hard sticks can be if you really work hard! Did you see XiaoXiao!? it probably took the guy like 10 damn layers for the black stick man!

maybe you should go redo the tutorials in flash and see what im talking about. oh and when i submit my first movie to the portal it won't be shit like this i'll tell you that. it wont be like 1 tweened object of jesus going 2 steps and then a pill appearing out of thin air like your stupid movie.

Frankly im surprised this stupid movie got a vote as high as it did. you just got lucky. Your next movie better be a major improvement or im not even gonna bother to see your next ones.

until next time . oh ya btw, why dont you fucking chill out. when someone doesnt like your work, dont start cussing them off. they dont understand how flash works. just fuckin laugh at them. see with me , you just made yourself look like a total ass, thats why im being a total ass right now to you.

stealmyinternet responds:

i take back what i said about that guys stick movies. That is i take back the part about not watching them. I did watch them. They were about one zillion times worse than mine. Second, i am laffing, laffing at the long and incredibly stupid review you wrote. I like to curse, it makes me feel good. I shall curse as much as humanly possible. Second, this was supposed to be bad, it was supposed to be cheezy, the pill was supposed to appear out of thin air because hwo could a pill that big fit in his hand? Second, your a cocksucker, with horrible posture and no one likes you. You cry yourself to sleep every night after writing long and petty portal reviews to movies which you think are crap. If my movie is so crap why did you take the time and effort to write this incredibly long and gay review? Just say this is crap, add more animation. It makes me feel good inside that you care enough to tell me just how much i suck. Now bend over while my friend Butch here gives you anal with his gigantic penis. Thank you and good day.


OK, that was... unique. It was really crappy graphics. Very little humor, but it was still there.

A bit bad, no offense.

Don't mean to offend you, but it really isn't that great.

Graphics: You should try practicing with flash a bit more, get in the hang of it.

Style: This is off. I don't understand the beginning at all.

Sound: I understand you have a shitty, craptacular mic and recorder, so do I. Therefore, I'm giving mercy on this.

Violence: Not that much violence. Should work on some of that, it's what pumps the teenage blood.

Interactivity: This isn't a game, obviously. This isn't going against the overall.

Humor: Some were funny, and some were just plain gay. Try figuring out more good jokes.

BTW, before you go cussing your ass of at me and going all "WAI DONT U MAKE A MOOVIE AND I JUDGE", I'm only being a hard critic so you can identify your mistakes and improve them. If you were to make a sequel, and sharpened up this before you started making it, it would be getting more 7-8s instead of 0-5s.

So weird....

So stupid. Try to make it have a point. It wasn't funny at all.

stealmyinternet responds:

it has a point... its loosely following the plot of the matrix. Its only part one. Dumbfuck.

I did not understand the movie.

I don't think you should make a Part 2.

stealmyinternet responds:

too bad i already started. Dick. Let me tell you a little story... it was originally going to be a really long complete one big thing. But i got lazy. It took me awhile to create "Part 1" and i wanted to take a break but i desperately wanted to put something on the portal. Part One was rushed because "Part 2", which was originally not a part at all but just the second half of one movie, was going to be really sweet. However i needed a break. All teh sweet animation was going to be in part 2. Dick. I dont think you should make a movie ever. Oh wait you dont. Becuz i bet you suck. Bet you suck hard.