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Reviews for "Alder's Blood: Prologue"

I was really expecting a compelling game play after looking at the neatly designed menu screen but every time i start a new game it keeps blacking out after the loading screen which leaves me to refresh the page but then it says my browser doesn't support WebGL even though i'm using Firefox and yes i have checked if WebGL was disabled but it wasn't.

After a long download (little bit too much for a demo), I just had a black screen with a white cursor and nothing to play/interact

NoGravityGames responds:

That's odd. Sorry for the long loading time (the game is 140mb big). As for the black screen - did it happen before or after Unity loader? Did you see any logos or anything?

Also - try to refresh the page when that black screen appears. Sometimes its a browser cache problem - the data is being loaded but not played (a common thing for HTML5 games).

Oh and could you tell me your OS and browser name? It will help to narrow down what could go wrong and why - so we can come up with a fix.

Twice got memory access out of bounds. Never got to the game. Chrome on Windows 10

This game is ass, the second level is full of enemies that are impervious to damage and kill you in two hits.

Game doesn't want to load.