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Reviews for "FANTASTIC shootout =)"

It's not THAT bad.

Sure the graphics suck, but I doubt if I could do better. The sound is okay, but it was wierd that a clip hitting the ground makes a big *THUMP* sound. It was a bit goofy when the characters moved around, too. The biggest let down was that there weren't any innocent bystanders getting shot, or structural damage.

Eh, I say it's a three at best, two at worst.

BazzMann responds:

YES! A 6, by someone who sounds like they have reviewed fairly... actually, i personally dont think i earned the 6, but hey, horses for courses! if you like my work, expect more of it! And now that ive realised there IS sensible life on NG, expect lots more effort, and structural damage! Laters, and thanks!

Um.... okay

The animations was okay, the sound syncing was good but the art and especially the story totally sucked. How many movies have "guy shooting guns"?

Try somthing original. I look forward to seeing your next submission

BazzMann responds:

Wow... 'something original'... do you know how limited my choices are? im a 15 year old student, learning Actionscript and animation in Flash ON MY OWN, with no help with storylines, artwork or ideas/concepts. Not only that, but Lovestories and shit a)dont work, and b) get blammed... violence seems the theme of the day in Newgrounds, and unless you want me to make massive filesizes with my voiceovers that wont sound good, with me trying to be funny and failing, then just put up with the (rapidly improving) animation! And a 10 for violence?? I know im supposed to enjoy praise, but COME ON! THere only one part with blood!! Tell ya what, Ill improve my Flash, if you improve your reviews!!

ok but could be better

it wasnt that good you used stupid shit like diving and shooting and fucking cartwheels. make your shit realistic and maby people will like it.

BazzMann responds:

wow, confrontational, are we? Well thanks for the well-rounded numerical review... but i dont remember any 'fucking cartwheels', though a sex-act with that name would intriegue me.... well, expect more of me, love me or hate me


Just another shootout.. nothing so new & interesting. Tho I must say that you have some potential with your work. Keep trying and next time submit something with a story.. and little more then senseless violence

BazzMann responds:

you sure like your 1's judging from other reviews youve wrote... actually, your review summary is nice, and quite a good review... but your numerics are way off... a 1 for sound? It was perfectly timed, and fitted with the theme, even if you didnt like the theme, sound should get at least a 4-5!! And at least you judged the violence right... all because its called 'violent shooter', thats only for advertising, theres only 1 bit of 'good' violence... but thanks for the support anyway, if that is what it is!!

its ok but...........................

it needs a plot, there is too much senseless action going on. graphics bot too good either.
but ok nonetheless

BazzMann responds:

senseless action... we live it, breathe it, taste it every day. That could be the deeper meaning of the story, if you look past the 'mindless violence' of it... youll see a summary of the violent and comprehensively painful world around us... anyway, thanks for the accurate review, although you gave me too low a style, and too high overall rating in my opinion...