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Reviews for "Rogue Fable II"

Great game. Great replayability. Storm and Fire mage are just challenging enough to complete the game. The other classes are too under powered in my opinion.

I think I encountered some bugs.

1. When I own a robe and pick up a robe, the robe which I own becomes +1 automatically.
But if I own a robe, and I buy another robe from the vendor, the robe does not +1 so basically a waste of gold.

2. I've encountered maps where there is a door at the edge of the map which opens to nowhere.

Side comment:
It's almost impossible to play as warrior and rogue. Melee just doesn't cut it.

JustinWang123 responds:

Haha, I'm getting so many mixed signals on the relative strength of classes from people. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what classes are OP and which are under powered. The rogue is definitely a consistent problem that I'll be looking into fixing up.

1. I'd say that's not a bug, you just chose to buy a weaker robe but I understand how that could be confusing since the game always drops a better (mod) item then you currently own. Maybe as a middle ground I could just have the merchants loot behave the same. They always have a better item then you currently own.

2. That's one I've never seen or heard reported. If it happens again please take a screen shot of this misbehaving door so I have some clue as to the circumstances.

Hehe as to my comment to the below post, half the responses I get say the warrior is the strongest, half argue the opposite. Rogue will be getting a big overhaul at some point.

I'd like the rogue to not actually be powerful but to focus more on avoiding combat, sneaking past encounters, looting the entire level and then continuing. Stopping to fight only when needed. This will need a big change to his skill set and possibly how stealth works to achieve. I'm even considering giving him experience when he goes down the stairs for every unkilled, non-respawned enemy so that there is basically no incentive to kill, only to loot items. I want to try to get him to play differently from the other classes so that not every characteris just a variation on 'kill everything that moves'.

Thanks for the review and feedback!

Well, I don't usually write reviews, but I've been playing this game since day one, and it's been plaguing my dreams. Overall, this game is amazing, if not a little unbalanced in favor of the mages and ranged attacks in general. Some things that could use some help:

-the Barbarian and Knight are extremely too similar, even if one is meant to be offense and one defense. Maybe add a weapon set specifically for the Barbarian, to differentiate him? When I think Barbarians, I think cudgels, maces, clubs, and hammers, not swords and pointy things.
-the Rogue seems to be the most underpowered class in this game, as he's meant to sneak around and not actually engage in combat. But, maybe add in some extra EXP if the Rogue manages to kill an enemy that's either asleep or confused. He's extremely hard to level, and that might help a bit.
-PETS! Omfg, can we do Pets, please?! Maybe a summoner or something? I think pets would be an awesome addition.
-Some of the final levels are a little unfair unless you have the right equipment, which is hard enough to get. More specifically, the Core is hard as hell, because you're forced to walk through lava. At least in the ice level, you can find a campfire to stave off the cold.
-So we have blue, red, and white mages that offer various stat point boosts, talent point boosts, and heals. But, what about putting in an NPC Necromancer? Pay a hefty sum to the Necro, and when your character is killed (which is bound to happen), the Necro will revive the character, but the character will return to the level where the Necro was located. Just a thought.

Anyways, amazing game, and really looking forward to the new updates! Keep it up!

There are sooooooooo many possibilities in this game. The fact that you can combine certain classes together can make for very potent combinations. You can make a Warrior that can use the Necromancer's Lifespike ability to make him even tankier than he already is, or even make a Rogue that can cast lightning and fire spells. There are lots of ways to play this game and to me that's what makes this so fun and addictive. No two playthroughs are ever the same.

This is a great example of how to do a dungeon crawl game right. It is not easy, but with patience and skill you can beat it. The difficult classes gives it a high replay factor.

It's a freaking awesome game. Hands down the best roguelike I've played. I only have a few sugestions -- add a tutorial, and add more items.