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Reviews for "Idle Dungeon Master"

Great game! Not many game breaking issues just annoyances. I want to see this expanded.

Not a bad idle game! Despite the simplistic graphics, it's held my attention for quite a bit by this point.
If I may, though, there are a few things that could improve the game some.

Firstly, it'd be nice to see a few stats. I'd really like to know just how much gold each goblin rakes in, and how many research points each mage provides. Being able to see things like the health, attack and defense levels of my battle units would be handy, too, as well as more detailed descriptions of what each one can do. Funny though the meme is, I still have no idea what skeletons are supposed to be good for...

It would also help to know what each room actually does. I left for dinner a while ago, and when I came back my mages had come up with... casinos. What... what are casinos for? Assassins started appearing in my bestiary about the same time, so I can only assume they're connected, but... how?

Also, it's a bit of a small thing, but I would like the ability to back out of the overworld once I click on it, instead of being forced to commit to the attack immediately. Being able to subtract forces would be nice too, in case I change my mind about deploying all of my houndlings and want to send out just a few instead. As it is now, once I've committed a number of units to battle, they're all marching onwards, whether I like it or not.

The battle report screen could use one little tweak too: instead of listing "survivors," it'd be a lot more helpful to see a list of casualties, since we can't always remember how many of a given unit we sent out, and therefore can't tell how many we've lost. Better yet, displaying the number lost out of the number we sent out would be immensely helpful and a lot clearer.

And lastly, though it's not the most important thing ever, it'd be nice to see some kind of art or animation for the battles. Nothing too fancy, just something to look at besides rapidly-changing numbers while my fellas go at it.

All in all, this is a pretty solid game, and with a few improvements, it could be epic!

pretty cool game. Needs a send max button for attacks though

It's slighly above average for an idle game,since it gives you an objective(conquer the overworld) and the flavo text is rewarding since it's simple and fun.
However,the game is lacking in certain fields,namely the selection screen before attacking the overworld.there should be a max option so you don't have to manually add them one by one(the 10,25 and 100 are seldom used since you need to have at least this value to use once)

It's a neat game, but after the tutorial there's so much that's not explaining. For instance, you don't really know what the new rooms do, you just create the and see what shows up, or how it'll take to get new recruits. And how many chicken farms do I need per how many monsters? what good are torture chambers and prisons? Yeah, I can make some guesses, but there's nothing in the game that tells me much.

Still, it's not a bad way to idle some time.