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Reviews for "Triangle Sweeper"

Nice, simple and mind boggling! I didn't get the award for the hard puzzle at first, but I didn't mind playing it again. I enjoy mine sweeper! Good game!

Great game!

Niborious7 responds:


Basically just minesweeper but with triangles. Simple enough and a fine concept for a flash game.

@kabogh is definitely correct about the medals issue. I had to reload the game and play again from the start in order to get additional medals, with it *not* counting if I just straight went through from one difficulty to the next with "Next" after completing puzzles.

So, yes, after gaining any medal you must reload the page and start a *new game* on the desired difficulty in order to get a medal on it if you complete it.

Also sometimes pieces would highlight weirdly which was a bit visually-annoying but ultimately harmless.

This game definitely can be completed through using only logic, contrary to what some may believe. It happens to be incredibly difficult, counter-intuitive, and easy to make mistakes, but I don't think there's really any points at which you *have* to guess.

Logically work it out through process of elimination -- say you know one of these must be a bomb (but you don't know which one) therefore that one over there can't be a bomb. (Or vica versa) etc... Also counting. And, when you're really near the end of the game, you can count out exact bombs left to know as well, if for example one scenario would require 3 bombs but only 2 are left, then you know that's an impossibility and that tells you what to click or flag/etc...

I think a lot of people don't have the logical reasoning skills to complete this out, especially on the harder levels. Because it actually is challenging. And you're less likely to win at this if you use the playstyle some people use in minesweeper which is random guessing to open up large sections. You don't actually ever have to do that (and I prefer not playing that way when I play minesweeper either)

Also some people use a statistical analysis on minesweeper as well, but I don't advocate that either. Don't say "there's a 25 percent chance this might be a bomb so I'll chance it" -- instead fully eliminate all odds so you know 100% something is or is not a bomb and definitely use your flags to make things easier!

I don't use flags in minesweeper, but then again that game is substantially easier than this one.

Niborious7 responds:

I really like your analysis of the game. I liked used logical reasoning on the original minesweeper, and it was hard to share that experience with people when they mostly viewed the game as luck and statistics.
You present some pretty good tips for new players. I have yet to create any effective tutorial elements to introduce people into the concepts.
Till then it will be high priority for me to figure out whats going on with the medal/scoreboard system.
I reworked some api stuff so that it properly handles session expiration. It should fix the problems people were having with medals/scores not being posted.

good iteration of a popular game