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Reviews for "Treasure Trouble"

Your colors are pretty rough, it seems like you don't know whether or not it should be vibrant or moody sort of color tones, so it creates a confusing sort of atmosphere and environment. Also the only exceptionally well animated sequence was during the robot fight, besides that a lot of the perspective gets messed up and the character has no real weight. Also, you like, tweened some shit at the end when he runs over to the chest, c'mon man, that looked awful. Your character design was a bit cluttered and could have once again been colored in a more appropriate way, it seems like all of his colors don't necessarily fit his character. The song was pretty good, but no sound effects really killed it. Also i know you've been working on this for several months now, but yeah, hopefully your next thing will look better. take some time to practice animation and shit before hopping into your next project.

TopSpinThefuzzy responds:

hey! First, thanks for your honest critique.
You're absolutely right about the colours, and shading especially. I'm in the midst of experimenting with all that and learning what direction I wanna take.

And perspective you're absolutely right, and in failing a lot of shots in this I feel like I learned something to carry over in to another project.

As for tweening.. yeah. Nothing to say there, not sure what I was goin for, you're right again.

But yes, thanks again for the input!

Work on your in betweens, man. Everything looks fine except your squiggly, horrid in betweens. If your in betweens are crap, the whole thing is crap. Pretty much everything I see of yours has shoddy in betweens. It's like you just work on the extremes, get them looking nice, then rush through the in betweens. Also, should've had sound effects. The atmosphere was rather confusing, like, what even was this. Was this a test? Was it a teaser? Was it an actual episode of something? It definitely would've felt more solid and like an actual finished thing if there were sound effects. Although I gotta give you credit for actually putting time into frame by frame animation like so many others don't. Just, practice a little more.
In betweens.

The perspective was kinda weird at about 0:38. You could try using a vanishing point connected to the background to more accurately scale the character as he moves toward the camera.