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Reviews for "Netflix And Chill"

Hey, I think you made something special here. This is simple, stylish, t rated, dating sim. something that is kinda rare nowadays. I am really happy to see this game was well liked by the community. I honestly would love to see you do a more stuff like this, or maybe a more ambitious project. Perhaps you could team up with some other NGers and make a more... Immersive dating sim? With this clever writing and sly charm, I bet it would be rather popular.

Great game, I look forward to more!

Jasonario responds:

That would be really, really cool! Thanks for all the compliments! here will be more!

Pretty classic game, I like it. There are some flaws but overall the game is pretty well-made.
Some of the flaws I noticed (or at least experienced) were:
-Loading times were a bit slow.
-The goal wasn't 100% clear, but I suppose the quote ''Netflix and chill'' should be a good hint.
-Perhaps a little bit too difficult in the sense that the game is picky (I like this personally, but others may not).
-Lack of options, but hey, we're not speaking in-depth visual novel level here.

There were quite many positive parts though, such as:
-Artstyle is simple yet charmy.
-Music is fitting and comfortable enough to listen repeatedly.
-The game may be simple, but clearly there's some challenge to it.
-The idea behind the game is genius and fun, this whole trend about Netflix is quite popular.
-Fitting options

Sorry if I sound a little down-letting, but hey I enjoyed the game and I'm sure plenty of others did too. Just work on some of the flaws and bada-bim bada-bom, magic.


Jasonario responds:

Not at all down putting, my good sir! Thank you very much for the very thoughtful review! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'll definitely keep those thoughts in mind for future games! Cheers!

I tried 5 times and still didn't get any action. This is one picky date...lol fun game

Jasonario responds:

Haha, persistence is key, my friend

Maybe speed up the replayability of the game so it cycles quicker in the intro?

Jasonario responds:

Good idea. Thanks for the input!

Of course on my first try, I get the only ending where she leaves. -.- And I was being nice! Tough cookie that one. Great game though!

Jasonario responds:

Hahaha girls can be tricky, that's for sure