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Reviews for "Netflix And Chill"

- Took 8 years to load. (Exaggeration, but for real, took forever.)
- No replay button, forced to watch credits and introduction every time
- Not enough background information

+ Looks great
+ Great dialogue
+ Fair replay value

Great potential here! I'd like to see another game like this, but with a couple of updated features and additions.

Not bad at all! I particularly liked the ambiance of the game, although more music could've been nice (I liked that one song). I felt that the pace was a bit too slow though, I wanted to play more but stopped at two times because of that. And like a previous commentor said, the goal isn't super clear, although a Tinder date usually mean only one thing...! XD Keep it up bruh!

really liked the style. i hope you make a game based off this with more freedom. and it wouldnt be bad if you at least raised the rating to mature, if you know what i mean.

Damn girl, who the hell she thinks she is?! JK, but she is really hard to get - poor boy will never get laid 'cause of my skills. Anyway - game is really nice and I don't want to repeat the "fasten the intro" thing everyone says. I like like everything about it, but I'll love it, when I'll get the damn girl!

I "beat" the game on my second try. It seemed like the correct answers were too arbitrary since there were no clues what kind of person Marta was like before I started talking to her. Nothing- graphics, music, sound, gameplay, writing- stands out, so 3 stars from me. Also there should be a quick Replay button after The End instead of waiting through the entire credits introduction.

Jasonario responds:

Good points! Thanks for the input!