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Reviews for "Dungeon Surge"

It was alright, but I think I would rather play Trigger Knight. Granted this has 'levels' and the such, Trigger Knight just feels more fun to play.
Some advice, you might want to slow down the background upgrades. They, and other items such as chests, kittens, and traps, all scroll by way too fast, you can't even read the description on them and some of the enemies because they die too quickly.
One last thing. Apparently I got an achievement for doing the tutorial, but I never did it. I think it might be broken.

Solid attempt at emulating Trigger Knight, but ultimately it felt more like a less refined less polished version. I like the removal of the lifespan meter, but why remove the future encounter icons? The fact you can't see what you will be running into takes a significant portion of the strategy out of the game. No planning 3 encounters ahead to divvy your resources for maximum efficiency. Combine this fact with the ludicrous speed at which upgrades fly by you, you're left no time to develop a battle plan. Not that it matters, shop costs are low enough that you don't really ponder if it's worth getting the upgrade or not, leaving no need for proper resource management. This dumbs down the game as a whole.

Trigger Knight got the formula down perfectly. If you make a sequel I would suggest keeping all of the good elements and nuances of Trigger Knight, like full heal on armor upgrade, future encounter icons, item management, locked shop prices to enable discounts when multiples of the same shop type appear in the encounter list. And expanding on the mechanics by adding permanent upgrades to make future runs more smooth, like expanded encounter icons allowing you to see farther than 3 spaces, extra inventory slots, special skills that have a cooldown, etc.

this game is awful