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Reviews for "Only the Happy Thoughts"

This is really good! You're really good at making your cartoons feel like an experience.
The jokes were funny, the animation was smooth, and the colors were nice! Great job!
I'm looking forward to what you make next!

jlorp responds:

Eh, I sort of wish I'd have picked a more vibrant color pallet, but thanks <3 I appreciate it

I really enjoyed this one, good job man the humour was great also

jlorp responds:

Thanks dude <3

If you're tired, I know where you can get some placebo pills. They seem to work pretty good. So I hear. ;)

Ahhh man. I REALLY enjoyed this. Art and animation were both really nice to look at, and I loved the humor. I actually laughed out loud at a few of the jokes in here, which is really rare for me to do at an internet cartoon nowadays. I've only got a few minor complaints-- mainly, the lack of any sound effects and music. I'm not sure if it was a stylistic choice, but it was kind of jarring when the characters were doing things that typically had sound effects and there were none. At the beginning of the cartoon I was checking to make sure volume was on and headphones were plugged in, until the voices started. Another would be the backgrounds-- which, I get were a stylistic choice, but in a lot of scenes where they were just white it left it looking a bit unfinished. My only other complaint would be the way the story flows-- I enjoyed the story, I thought it was really funny, but the flow felt a bit off. All of that aside, this is honestly one of my favorite entries to come out of the competition so far. I already see a big improvement from your previous entry and I'm really excited to see what you do next! Good luck man!

jlorp responds:

Yeah, I'm sort of terrible at sound design, that's just something I need to work on, not really a stylistic choice so much. I also agree that in a few specific shots I definitely could've used some backgrounds, It was more because I ran out of time that I didn't have them in.

I think the odd pacing of the story came from not writing multiple drafts of the script and lots of cuts I had to make to the video partway through production to meet the deadline. It was hard to tell what flowed well after a few dozen hours of hearing the same audio, I should've storyboarded and finalized everything at the beginning, but oh well. Thanks for the cool review man <3 Glad you liked it

I think the other people here pretty much said what I was thinking. I just want to stress that I really liked how this one felt, like it was full of heart. The art style along with the voices made this piece really pop out for me. Great stuff!