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Reviews for "Judge Dredd: Superfiend"

this is amazing beyond words. I would love to see the dispossable assassin animated like this or johnny the homicidal maniac or even a hellraiser toon :D I liked the 2d adn 3d in it. and the music too. Judge Dredd didn't get much love back in the day. guess Joe wont be playing piano for a while sweet kid though :3

You might not make another, but Wow! This is a great enough to become a season. Cartoon Network would gush to have this in their Adult Swim.

you definitelty earned yourself five stars!! original style, great voices, good music selection, smooth animation but more notably fantastic artwork. just the story and the atmosphere, the world came alive. keep animating!

At first I thought this would be more of a comedy than a serious thing. I don't usually watch other's flash animations when they're longer than five minutes, but the art style and story and everything was great - I just had to go through the whole 27 minutes.

Marvalous video. I was hooked the whole time and it was a crazy ride I must say. I wish I could give a 10/5, but never going to happen on here. So 5/5, it was great!