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Reviews for "Counter-Strike Parody"

that was a piece of shit!

i cant believe people accually found that funny and amusing. i could get more amused with a fucking penny than that. the penny would also be funnier than this movie. i cant believe you wasted your time making that shit.


This might not be a long review like the ones you always write, due to your opressive convulsive disorder, and the fact you're a prick, but it gets the message across.

What a fucking great story for a stoner,

Hahaha, Im going to do a long review. This story has made my fucking week, I've had the worst week ever and hearing this story has made me feel so much better... here goes:(sorry if it makes no sense, read the absolute bottom P.S and you'll know why :D)

Monday - I go in and feel like shit. I have to be in for after lunch because I have a drama exam that I cant miss, if I want my Drama GCSE. I sit in the cold, away from my friends all day, coughing, sneezing, and generally feeling pissed off.

Tuesday - When I woke up I felt even worse, so I didnt go into school until my drama exam. Had ciggarette on the way, made me feel even worse. Came back and didnt sleep till 1:30.

Wedndesday - Another drama exam. Not feeling as bad as before, but I still feel like shit. Havent got my English or Maths coursework, get a bullocking from the absolute best ever teach, this guy is sooo fuckin hardcore. At lunch, get caught smoking, have to write a statement, met with this absolute fuck cunt Mr White who keeps twisting my words and changing my statement right in front of me. Get a letter home, my dad didnt know I smoked, had to go in for a meeting after school.

Thursday - Organised my weekend plans, still missing my maths coursework, but no drama exam today!

Friday - In school, get involved in a fucking huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge pile up on the stairs of about 100 little 12-13 year olds. Think nothing of it. Spend the rest of my day excited about getting fucked over late that night. Go to my mates and call my dad to say Im staying. He tells me none other than Mr White has decided Im excluded. I ask why, and find out taht in the pile up, a boy shattered his leg. It had bone sticking out of it and an ambulance came. I, though I did do a bit of pushing, couldnt not have had any blame for a 100 person pile up, (but I am 6ft2, the tallest in my school and I do weigh a fucking ton. size 13 shoes and bigger hands then my enormous 6ft5 dad) Because of my odd stature, the whole school knows me, the big guy, Alexi (I wont even get innnto my name, its another long fucking story for when Im more stoned then now ((WOOOOPS! Gave away the ending!!!)) Anyway, I have to walk back from my mates, which is about an hour walk, with my heavy bag, a sweater and a coat on a 20C day (hot for england) I get lost and add another 45 mins to the trip. Get home, and be pissed off al night. Hadnt had a ciggarette in about 3 days, so it was worse then it could ever be.

Saturday - Wake up, do 11 pages of my English coursework, am knackered. Still cant get any money for ciggs, argue all day with my dad, and sulk.

My dad and his girlfriend go out. My dad keeps a stash of weed in his room, its not muchm but on my birthday (13 Sept, FRriday 13th for me) he was out al night and I robbed about an eight and had beddy joint. He found out, and told em I have to pay him back, havent yet, dont have any money for about a month. Anyway, I skin up a small joint, and blaze it on my garden. Come downstairs, minorly fucked, listen ot QOTSA and go on Newgroundsss....

Find out the story about this gay guy, Saga Override. Fuck, it cracks me up so much. I read a review of it and it says "Reviewed by: Pumped_full_of_drugs Overall rating: 0
I'm sure I reviewed this yesterday. Oh well, i'm reviewing it now. Fag. "

Taht cracks me up so hard I nearly cry. I watch it and it sucks so much balls I decide to write a long review. I am fucking licked by now and I write up this whole long story abouthow my situation, and how fucked up my life is. With a grin on my face the whole time.

Anyway, thats it. If you though it was funny, tell me. I love making people laugh:


Well thanks a lot NG. And the Saga dude, yeah you're pretty gay.

OOOOH YEHHHH!!! Im british, forgot to mention that!
Anyway, peace out everyone, this review took fucking ages. Just decided Im going to rob my dads last bit of weed, mix it with the ciggarette I stole from his girlfriend and listen to some QOTSA!!!
(p.s incase you missed it, I am fucking stoned)

Don't read the last 5 reviews.

They are all S_O on alternative accounts.


I'm back, losers.

That's right. After all these years, i've finally returned due to popular demand.

Although, I never really left.

I've been voting 5 on this every day since I 'left', otherwise the score would be much lower.

Also, all those accounts that gave me 10?

You guess it. Me again.

But now I have forgotten my password to Sage_Override, so I made a new account.

I have made a second Counter-Strike Parody, which I will submit later today.

Adios, fags!