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Reviews for "Pikachu, Get In The Ball."

i hate it. it wasn't funny at all. I think you wasted your time.

FatMermaid responds:


I'm sorry you feel that way, I'm trying to respond to people who are saying things like this. Please see my response to Slareen. Also, please read the appeal that I wrote: http://fatmermaid.newgrounds.com/news/post/921552

I'd like to say that no animation, no matter how terrible or ugly or unfunny it is, is a waste of time to me. No matter how many negative reviews this has gotten, I will never think that it was a waste of time. I always ALWAYS try to better myself in every way I can, and the reason I made this was to practice. I didn't submit it to be put in the features content...I didn't expect it to blow up...I actually expected it to not be accepted.

No animation is a waste of time. Every one is a learning experience, and every animation is an opportunity to grow and for me to learn from others how I can improve. Each animation helps me to get better and better until I think I am good enough to make the things I really want to make. I'd like to make meaningful animations that make people feel very strong emotions, as I do on a day to day basis, but I don't think I'm good enough yet to make the things I'd really like to make.

So please, even if I can reach only a few people...I hope you read what I've written and I hope you know that I really do take these things to heart, and that saying things like this without telling me HOW I can improve, it doesn't help me to get better so that can get to a point where I actually make things you all can enjoy.

Thank you.

poor pikachu :(

This was not funny.

this was disturbing. not funny at all.

y does it have to be so cruel!!!!!!!!!!!!! :,-(