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Reviews for "Perdition"

I liked this a lot. At first, it seemed rather obvious that Gomadi (anagram of I AM GOD) was the bad guy and Tanas (anagram of SATAN) was the good guy. However, as I continued, I realized that they were doing just as many terrible things. Gomadi has his red-haloed executioners and robot spiders killing whoever he tells them to, which you think is the evil to which Tanas refers, but eventually Tanas gives you a gun that runs on suffering, and tells you to kills as many people as you like to charge it, and introduces you to his free-thinking all-girls club cadre who presumably run a resistance movement against Gomadi through the same exact means as the executioners. It turns out that Gomadi's evil is reducing the androids to slaves, while Tanas' is giving them the power of thought. It is a question of which is worse, and slaying the lesser evil. Ultimately, however, Gomadi and Tanas are beings of equal evil, both disregarding the slave-like androids and commanding their own elites of free-thinkers to incur further subjugation. Philosophically fascinating.

I would like to say the gameplay was as such, but it wasn't quite up to snuff. Certain boards were so large it was unclear what to do, especially the tower, which has two identical paths up, just reversed. Without a halo or weapon, it is crushingly difficult to pass the executioners, not so much the spiders, except for when I was dropping onto a platform with one, in which case it was more difficult to control.

An interesting artistic style, though a bit dark and occasionally difficult to see where platforms begin and end. The brightest colours were reserved for plot-scenery only, and enemies, but not the rest of the items you could interact with. For instance, the gun and sword could also be bright, android colours. As for the blandness of the music, I understand that it is harder to compose a score without an entire symphony and years of musical background, but I think it could still be better than this. But it's okay.

Still a great experience, despite the many flaws, showing that what worked really worked and what didn't work wasn't bad.

This game is a good way to pass the time. It has a great old-school look to it, and it has a good story to it (if you manage to beat it). The thing that bugs me about this game however, is the difficulty of it. I can understand having to go back a few times to complete a certain section to extend gameplay, but some areas are literally unbeatable and incredibly frustrating. I have managed to see 2 out of the 4 endings, but past that, it seems impossible to finish 100% of the game. I think this is especially since some of the medals are secret, and there is no save/load feature. Overall, a quality game if you want something to pass the time with and beat you up a bit.

It feels good, but lacking gameplay dynamics. The style is too reminiscent of Amon's work to feel personal, but the guy is clearly a fan and tributes are the most sincere form of flattery. Perhaps he simply needs some time to find a style of his own - in the meantime this is an excellent first attempt, but a little too staid compared to it's ascending inspirations.

great background, great mood, great atmosphere and nice difficulty; it is a terrific game in all aspects but one.

most of it's difficulty comes from the fact that every two-three seconds, the animation lags and this got gradually worse for me to the point that i couldn't get by half the obstacles because it would lag every time i jumped, screwing me up and putting a huge road block in my path that i just couldn't get around.
i want to 5 star this game, but it's issues prevent me.


Carrill responds:

I've made some tweaks to later levels to correct this. However, the performance of this game varies from computer to computer.

It was really good, at least for what I saw for as far as I could get before a bug had happen with the platforms, I had tried to jump onto one of those platforms you can jump up through and land on, and I glitched into one of the walls only shortly after getting the sword and even though it is really nice, i really do not want to go through all that again just to worry it might happen again. I hope you can get this fixed.