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Reviews for "Perdition"


For the first time I totally obeyed Gomadi to see what the game is all about. In a way, I made an assumption that being a rebel leads to "good ending" in this game.

So, after loading save ("Remember") I went to Tanas totally devout to Gomadi, having obeyed all commands, and completelly oblivious to what Tanas really is (he only shows his nasty side when the player disobeys Gomadi). And imagine my astonishment when I got the "Seduced... Fooled" ending - I had completelly no idea why would Tanas be bad / evil, obeying Gomadi didn't indicate this at all. (well, the hanging androids in Tanas' depths should alert me, but I thought this isn't indicative of his evilness, that this is part of the whole "sci-fi" thing; well silly me)

My question is - was this course of events planned? I would totally distrust Tanas were I to see what he proposes me to do in "disobiedience path" - but since gameplay didn't show me his evil propositions I was genuinly believing he is good.

Regardless; I totally love that this ISN'T another game where choices are fairly black & white. This isn't another "Other" game where there is one big bad guy and a covert admirer with worrying prescience, one who leads player though morally "good" route.

I need no words for graphics, music and gameplay - they were perfect. What needs to be discussed about "Other" games is the CONTENT - the story, the gripping plot that surprises, saddens, and finally, the KATHARSIS. I love the way you hinted the final, "best" ending. I love this feeling that I only know the name "katharsis" for; the feeling I got after the total accomplishment of such a game.

At the end of the game I felt weird, massive compassion for both Gomadi and Tanas. After reading the comments (and noticing other references, such as the cross, free will etc.) I understood that this piece of work is Christian in a way... but I still cannot shake off the very first feeling that Tanas (the one that didn't ask me to kill, the one in "total obedience" route) was right all along and that the "reunite" ending is "best". I fear I cannot explain this :)

The alignment lock is too strict, doing nothing but wasting the player's time and the platforming is way too finicky. Sorry.

This is an amazing game, i loved the choices and how it changes the game play and i love the different endings, i only got t 2 yet they were clearly separate and well made.

Cool game ! I love this dark ambiance and the way to finish the game !!
I will have all ! Challenge accepted !!
Thanks to the authors :) !!

It's really difficult when you made them mad... so you better make the right choice.