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Reviews for "Perdition"

very nice game, kinda hard to get all the achievements though and the one i found the hardest was a friend of enemies but after a while i figured it out, very tricky of you with that one.

on its own merits this is an excellent game; solid controls, a great story, and the metaphysical aspects are done very nicely.

But as so many others have said, this game reminded me of Gyossait; white palatted protagonist side scrolling across a grim and dark pixelated world with flashing red messages popping up. Of course what people seem to be forgetting is that ALL OF THESE THINGS HAVE BEEN DONE, long before Gyossait was ever conceived.

But everyone seemed dead set on tearing this game apart because of how much you "ripped off" Amon26. One especially vocal commenter, 4761, made the claim that this is a piece by piece copy and that in order understand how much was copied you'd have to play the game and compare them side by side. So guess what i did....

What i can conclude from replaying Gyossait; none of you have played it in a long time, you all need to take your nostalgia glasses off, and this game is far superior especially with the latest patches (Gyossiat is still a buggy mess).

The art style is completely different, the aesthetic is completely different, and the controls are different. the only things that can bre said to have been swiped are the designs of the humanoid executioners(like Gyossiat's gun form), and maybe the flashy red text but as i've said its been done many times before.

Most everything else that 4761 said that were copied are also very common in just about every 2d platformer made since the early 90's. Either 4761 is a common troll or he has never played any other games.

So i conclude that in order understand just how different these two games are, play them both and compare them and it should be glaringly obvious.

Any inspiration drawn from Gyossait and Harlequin Ichtyosis ; P?

Still good, a bit more variation is scenery is what i would add.

This is awesome...reminds me on anoher indiegame with a robot on NG, but still this has another style and is so unique.

Thanks for the pleasure to let us this play.

This game is great. It is really interesting and fun. The plot is great. It reminds me of Silent Hill because of the creepy and rusty music, and the usage of vibrating, rotten metal. It also has a lot of endings, which I love. The ambience is a masterpiece: the red cables hanging out there, the metal, everything merged together to make this hell of a good game.

When I first played it I had problems with scenes, sometimes the game would freeze and I would have to load the game, which leaved me far behind. Luckily you fixed it. The laser is still a little glitchy, and the games has other glitches here and there.

The only thing I didn't figured out is how to obtain the "Monster" achievement, is it an ending? I tried slaying both gods but I still got the "Hope for the future" ending.

Congratulations dude, keep up with the good job! And congratulations to the guy who made the music too, it's great!

Carrill responds:

To get the medal for Monster, try facing Gomadi in the end having killed some androids.