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Reviews for "WTC - Superhero"


I gave you a 0 for humor 'cause it's still a bit creul. (also like to read the response's)


very effective way to get your point across, sound was kinda fuzzy, and the jesus animation was way stiff. not very humourus in my opinion, but ah well


haha that was kinda funny, not to be morbid or anything. But seeing Jesus fly and try to save the day, the whole concept is funny. The wtc attacks werent at all, but Jesus is the man!


Good point - but I'll admit to be being biased - I bait all religionists, who insist on telling me I'm wrong, 'cos of god talking to them (er, lithium deficiency, I think you'll find..). Small point - I was raised a christian, but strangely when I couldn't get reasonable answers to my many questions (like why did god give me a brain, if he didn't intend me to use it properly?..) I had many doubts.. So I've now got the opinion that if there is a god, then it is an immature personality (Do as I tell you, or I'll hit you for ever - how mature..) or that people will ascribe blame all over the place, rather than face the reality that life, in general, sucks...
And I have friends of many religions, who have learnt to not even try to discuss religion with me, 'cos I study it lots - it's fascinating (to me) the amount of effort that people will apply to justify their actions, rather than taking personal responsibility - god told me to do it, so I feel fine about it...
And, yes, the WTC incident was a tragedy - but as a lot of the money going towards the IRA in britain was from the 'irish-americans' in the USA, how does it feel to see your money being used supporting terrorism? Blowing up innocent people, who had no direct influence on the 'troubles' in ireland, was not terrorism - it was freedom fighting, apparently... I'm sure the dead felt happy about being vapourised, to prove a political point... and before you (idiots) start, I don't think the british should be in ireland, but how do you get 2 communities, who loathe each other, to talk reasonably about settlement? I don't know - and I think that hundreds of years of violence have showm that no-one else does either...
may your gods give you the life you deserve, or maybe you can strive to make life better for all, withour waiting for god to do it.. I think he's abdicated all responsibility for his actions - like I said, very mature...

That was fucked up and hilarious...

The stuff the best kind of movies are made of!