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Reviews for "WTC - Superhero"

Ha ha.....

That was funny....

Since I'm a strong minded Atheist I cannot be offended by this.

Jesus trying to be some superhero, only to NOT save anyone at all. Just shows what a doofus he is.

Do I believe there was such a person as Jesus? Yes I do. However, like Matt Hale (leads a White Supremacist racist group), I think he was nothing more than a stupid moron. Now, because of John (the Baptist), and with "Jesus" (is that really his name?) helping him, we now have way too many Christians. And the facists among them are now trying to force their ideals upon everyone around them.

And by the way, the KKK and Matt Hale think they're Christians.


"Nothing fails like prayer."


Someone is actualy right dont flame me people because i am not going to listen how do you know there is a god ! cuz people say so? they had visions and god told people to do things can we say mental health this is just my optionon but i think this movie sure tells the truth

Still don't know if it was funny or just sad

Obvious observations first. Gave you a 10 for violence because of the limbs and intestines scattered around the background. Your art isn't bad and the simple style of animation works well for the movie. Sounds were alright. The screaming was an excellent effect. The classic stupidified superhero style voice acting was entertaining.

Still not sure what to make of the humor. In a morbid sense it's comical but the overall message is depressing.

This movie reminds me of an example of logic that we did in class once.

statement 1 : God is all good.
statement 2 : God is all powerful.
statement 3 : Evil exist.

assumption : If god is all powerful and all good then evil should not exist in the world.

conclusion : God is either not all good or not all powerful.

I think I understand why you did the background of the ending scene the way you did. The body parts make the image more emotional.

It is a good movie. As an agnostic I appreciate the ability of people to question and explore. If you come to the conclusion God exist, good for you. If you think he doesn't good for you too. Just don't bash the other guys beliefs.

religon bullshit!

religon is bull and i personally fill that it is the 2nd (greed 1st) biggest killer of them all and which startes wars or whatever. theres so many religons in this world its ridiculous! if there wasnt religion,there wouldnt be terrorist blowing things up and flying planes into bulidings because there doing it for there shitty stupid religon!! you read the bible and it tells u of all the wonderful things god had done and jesus dieing on the cross and shit like that. but where's all the wonderful things now? u dont see god sticking his finger in, and try and stop poverty, war and other shit like that. and if jesus and god would just save metal over thousands of lives, then i fill that god and jesus are pretty sick!!
overall the movie was gd and very powerful. i fill that people need to think about what they believe in,and question it.


But one question: If gawd was with the New Yorkers then, where was he before the terrorist attack? I know. He was sodomizing aborted fetuses just before he threw them into hell. Baw haw haw haw haw!