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Reviews for "Mighty Knight"

This is just fantastic...thanks

Very fun game overall. The controls are good, the upgrades are nice, and the grinding isn't excessive. The side quests are okay, although a bit hard, but that's fine. Maybe the stages get a bit repetitive, it's always the same flat arena. Maybe some levels where you have to reach a point would be nice.

What I don't like, though, is the final boss. It's a great fight, with a lot of tension and stuff, but it's just too hard, and I feel it's really a matter of luck. If you're on your own, you're gonna die, you absolutely need your allies to take some aggro and spread out the pentacle attacks so it's actually dodgeable. Thing is, aside from getting a potion, you can't heal them of protect them efficiently, and you just have to hope they'll survive (which they're not too bad at, which is a good point). Then, there's the infinite ennemy reinforcements the boss summons. There's no way to stop him from doing that since it's such quick move, so you just have to hope he doesn't do it too frequently, or you'll just swim in ennemies forever.

It's a great battle, but I feel luck is too important there. I got up to that point in the game without having to use runes, and it was challenging, but manageable, and now, everyone is fully upgraded, and I buy all the runes every time, and I just cannot beat him. I can't see any way to do this except retry again and again hoping I'll get lucky and he won't call too much ennemies and there'll be enough ghosts with potions to keep enough allies alive.

It seems sticking to the boss and pounding on him is the most efficient strategy since it'll break his cycle of calling reinforcements for a few seconds, but you take so much punishment doing this you eventually have to go look for a ghost with a potion, and that's when he'll summon loads of ennemies and you'll get stuck in the mud. I don't really feel there's much skill involved there. There are too many ennemies to dodge effienciently (especially when everyone is dead and you have to dodge a cluster of pentacles every five seconds), and it's not like I can wait to have enough money to get better stats since I've already bought everything.

It's really a fun, well made game, but the difficulty just suddenly shoots up at the final boss, and it's not very fun anymore after a while or trying and failing.

Nice game, good graphics and everything. There are things I think need improvement:
- the sidequests: They are generally harder than the main quests and you get too little money from them. The quests where you just watch the others fight for you are boring (you should at least be able to cast some spells or something). The sidequests are not worth playing as they are.
- the controls: you can't move/dodge when you attack

some enemies freeze and do absolutely nothing
got 600x chain on him then got bored. please fix the bugs
the game is fun, dont really like that you cant move while attacking

10/10 liek if u cry ebry tiem