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Reviews for "Police Cops"

How much of this is 3d? I like the anime-esque feel, but I have a comment or two.

Kel-chan responds:

just the rocket explosion scene

I was gonna do it in 2d but the angle was kind of hard

I like this animation better, it seems less confusing and random than your other animations, the art style and humour seem better than the others now too. But on the animating part, I can see a lot of flaws in animating some parts of the animation in total, which can gauge and show how good the animator is aside from their drawing skills compared to other animator's animation. Even though the animation flow is not very fluid and legit at some times, I don't know you wanted to rush the animation or simply lazy or anything else, but I like how you animate the combat scene. You got potential to improve and get better so if you want make a good animation in the future I advise that you should be patient and attention to detail as an animator, animations are animated using a lot frames can't be rushed and small flaws can accumulate and deteriorate the animation in overall which set apart the successful animators from unsuccessful ones.

Kel-chan responds:

thx for the tips. I'm not a good animator or artist and i'm not gonna even try to be. I'm just gonna do this as a hobby to make silly stuff once in a while

he heh, that little old man looks like happosai from ranma 1/2

That was nice flash, I liked how you used the anime expressions, the music was good and addictive, it was really enjoyable, also the detective kinda reminds me Of Lupin the 3rd.

Great animation.

I am loving the premise and the characters have potential!

Oddly enough, this reminded me of "Lupin the 3rd" and "Cowboy Bebop". Perhaps it was the character models and the music? Great job on both though. Caravan Palace is great!

And if you are having trouble with ideas, here are a few suggestions (feel free to use them or not, it's up to you)

1) Vance Numb and Gina Nutz arrive to a murder scene. Upon arrival they meet a detective with a severe OCD (cleans the blood at the crime scene, washes all the evidence, aligns all the yellow tape perfectly, etc.)

Kind of like Monk, just WAY more severe. Gets demoted and joins their force and shenanigans ensue?

2) A scene where it is from the perspective of the organization that the female head boss in the pink dress is part of. She is part of a group of 5, or so, head criminal bosses, each with their own personal abilities. Personally, I would love to see a Rocky and Mugsy duo done in an anime fashion (from the Bugs Bunny cartoons - "Bugsy and Mugsy" is the name of the episode)

3) A new gang is rising. All wearing animal masks to hide their identities. It is up to the main characters to get to the bottom of things.

Just thought of these on the spot, but I hope this helps get those creative juices flowing!

Some things that bothered me though:

1) This one is a bit of a nit-pick. Magical name tags (where do they go after they were initially shown? lol)

2) Some typical anime standards, which are fine but they are reliant on fresh ideas! If you are going to do them, mixing up the formula would be much appreciated

Some of the typical standards I noticed:
(Buddy cops where they initially don't get along but do by the end of the animation; A cop partner with a secret talent only shown during a crucial moment; Overly grumpy police captain with a vendetta against the protagonists, etc.)

With a few tweaks, I think you could pull off a diverse and wonderful cast of characters (assuming you even move forward with this project)

3) Some inconsistent animation, granted you are probably doing this on your own but some scenes stood out. However, this will eventually phase itself out as you animate more and you will get better with time :D

All in all, it would be a shame if you let this animation go to waste. It has potential! Just need to tighten the animation a bit, work on the script and you are good to go! Looking forward to your future animations!