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Reviews for "Police Cops"

I can't really think of anything you could add to make this more anime. Animation is great. Really good work.

Dat music

Funny and entertaining. Classic random anime style. Loved it! I love that the cops name are Numb and Nutz. Cause Numb-Nuts. Thats a clever joke.

Some parts of it had an odd Cowboy Bebop feel to it, others felt like typical anime randomness (but in a good, not-tired-out way)--the kind you find when Bleach wants to do some comic relief or when you watch a kawaii-highschool-type anime or something like that.

Hilarious all in all, though it seemed to me like the syncing could use some work? Or maybe it was me lagging. Couldn't dig the voice-over voice, unfortunately. It was really the accent that bugged me, but I could see what you were you were trying to do...

First of all, I LOVE the backgrounds. I know some think the characters don't mesh well, but I think it's perfect. Also, I like how the helicopter comes in with the rest of police at the end, and the camera move at 2:29. It kinda feels like there's a lot of things that could missed if only seen once.

In the author's comments, you could say, "And that's how it's done," instead of, "It's done," but I don't know what you're going for with that.

Good job :)

Kel-chan responds:

It just means after working on it for 5 months "It's done"