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Reviews for "Oops, I Farted Again"

I'm Confused

Now, was internal affairs trying to catch the two policemen who went crooked? Then why didn't they just kill them?


well who ever sang that song is very talented thats the only reason i gave 6 but good try on the graphics though

here britney, i want you to have this...

The Good - the backup dancers

The Bad - just about as corny as the game Nuts and Milk for Nintendo

The Ugly - Britney laying on the toilet while it's spinning

Best Character - the guy that gives her the Beano in that fly spacesuit


That was weird but funny as hell lol

Song was awesome, graphics need help.

I thought the song parody was funny as hell, the graphics on the other hand leave a bit to be desired. The flames were a nice touch, though. If smell-o-vision ever comes out, then we have to watch out for this one! Maybe if you used photoshopped images of Britney, making her mouth move to the lyrics might help. Overall it was a good attempt, but the song itself is a masterpiece