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Reviews for "Nothing To Hide"

The principle mechanic that the game revolves around is brilliant, but it's current implementation is not. The cone of vision of the cameras around the stages are dramatically compromised by narrow passageways and openings to the extent that they cannot monitor the player, rending some levels virtually unplayable beyond certain points; the learning curve is very unforgiving so, adding more cameras on each stage to avoid messing up as frequently would be nice. Anyway, good luck with your lampooning of American culture and domestic policy, you have a lot of work ahead of you.

development steady

I really liked the look and feel to this game also the puzzle design is a master piece. How ever it did annoy me not knowing where to go in a few levels, having some arrows on the wall that goes with the atmosphere and points you in the right direction would have been very helpful.

Really good theme and character animations, aesthetically its great. Some of the puzzles are a bit fiddley to get the eyes in the right spot an this kin of annoyed me, but then im not sure how you would solve this . Also the movement speed of the character is a bit slow, maybe increase it without changing her walk anim. Overall the difficulty was about right and it wasnt too frustrating.

Really Original.