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Reviews for "Dead Zed 2"

I found the game boring as hell- I know luck was nice to me, as I had a full roster of Survivors after area 1, and only lost 3 to god knows what (I assume those monsters that never attack the house, cause how in the world could you die to those damn things lol). I found defending extremely easy, and the only thing that warranted any attention was the crossbow, which was actually fun to use- for 2 defenses, at which I had a better gun.

Famas was a joke, hell, every other weapon compared to the AK was a joke. The headshots are not terribly responsive, as I've gotten them off body shots off the mario zombies. I only used the gimmicky instagib space bar move twice, and that was to spray the yard helplessly and see how many I downed in one clip of random fire.

I never got hit, hell, the only time they got close was due to the Famas' MASSIVE sprite being in the way. Then it was just point, click, win.

I dont know, the games too boring to just be a rehash of the first one. I didn't see anything really different, though its been a while. Upgrades seemed useless, never even bothered with them as they just didn't apply or never worked right.

Next time, have the option of being a defender or a search party member who has to actually search the areas of the home, while shooting out a window or something.

Actually pretty fun for a small game like this. Usually games of this type are pretty cheap and dry, but this entertains you for quite a while. Obviously, it gets a bit boring once you got all the stuff unlocked, but its fun.

However,I finish the game,40 days pass,the cavalry come,and that`s it.

This could b and awesome game if you guys would just update and patch some things. The NPC's are terrible even if they have good skills they don't live long, especially the search party members they die within 2-3 rounds even if they are good. The hand guns are worthless, the bow and arrow is probably the best weapon in the first quarter of the game, the other guns are to hard to get cause you're spending "time" placing bombs just so you don't get over ran by zombies cause the waves are way to hard in the first half of the game........im just ranting but damn it's true

I would have given this game 5 stars if it were a little harder to survive, and if all my survivors I had searching didn't die. I didn't even try to finish the game because I couldn't get any more weapons, since I had no one to search. It would be better if the survivors that search either can't die, or the chance of them dying should be about 1/4 of what it is.