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Reviews for "Etherworld"

This was pretty cool! There aren't many levels, but each one is a real challenge. The more you play though, the easier it seems. First time through I didn't think Id actually be able to complete each level, and an hour later I'm able to do it without a single death. They must be well-made. :D I like the weather effects, the physics, the variation with each one, and the final boss was awesome. Would've been cool with a story though, or maybe just the boss crumbling down at the end, some "Victory" text or something? Anyway, thanks for a great game!


Etherblood responds:

I fully agree with your feedback. This game was kinda rushed because I wanted to finish it before my upcoming exams. It's made in less than a month and it was my first time using flash pro, so I didn't have much time left to spend on content.
I'll try to invest more time into my next game though.
Thank you for your awesome feedback.

Awesome game!
Put some more artwork, and it's professional.

Etherblood responds:

I plan to spend more time on art in my next games.
Glad you like it, thanks for your feedback.

This is actually a pretty solid game, and I enjoyed the boss mechanics. Maybe some general remarks :

- the hitboxes for the spikes seem pretty weird, maybe you should redraw them so that they more or less match their hitbox ;
- a bit less inertia for the jumps may be appreciated ;
- the death animation is too long for one type of enemy, and non-existent for another type of enemy... maybe short death animations for both types ?
- I get that you did it willingly, but the waves created by the impacts of the fists in level 5 can become very high, which makes the boss a bit tedious ;
- finally, you can take a hit while jumping on one of the boss's fists, I guess that happens if you touch his thumb while the fist is rising, and I don't see the reason why this should be this way, so I guess it's nothing more than a glitch.

Still, I took time to 100% it, so I guess I liked it. Maybe it deserved 4 stars to me, instead of the 3 just gave... Sorry about that :)

Etherblood responds:

-Hey, I fixed the spikes, they match their hitboxes now more closely.
-I won't change the character physics now as this might screw up the existing levels, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.
-shortened the existing enemy death animation
- [Spoiler] you can kill it relatively fast if you change sides after each hit
- [Spoiler] I assume you got stuck between head and fist, which caused the character to be pushed into the fist (I intended this as being crushed, but there are too little visual indicators to what happened). I tweaked it so that you'll stay on the fist and just get pushed out of the head.

Thanks a lot for your useful feedback!

You created the dark mood really well in this game. Maybe add in a rain layer in front of the action as well just to increase the immersion feel. I found the puzzles to be pleasantly subtle and a refreshing change from most mindless platformers but it was weakened by the lack of story.

Her attack was also really too weak. She has a massive sword with only a feeble thrust that takes 3 hits to kill the first enemy... Maybe the sword was too heavy for her? A fancier attack animation or multiple attack animations would also increase the visual appeal.

The jumping was frustrating. The slow start to the jump made timing platform jumps difficult and the slow direction change also made me fall down holes or hit enemies or spikes alot. This is compounded by the precision needed everywhere in this game. I eventually got it after a few tries but eventually I got bored replaying the same level over and over so I didn't play past Level 3.

On a side note, the easier difficulty didn't help me because I wasn't dying from losing health but from missing platforms and falling down holes.

Really good submission considering this is your first posted game however. Please make more. :)

Etherblood responds:

The foremost (used) game-layer already is a rain layer, I could increase the amount of rain drops if that's what you mean? I don't want to overdo it though as the weather shouldn't distract.
I agree with the story and attack parts,
and I'll think about the jump controls for my next game, as jumping is one of the most vital parts of a platformer.
Do you know that you can jump further if you jump while walking? If not I might need some way to communicate it to the player in the tutorial level.
Also you should play the remaining 2 levels, these aren't really about jump precision.
(level 4 comes close to it though, just try it and stop if you dislike it)
And I will make more, but it will take some time.
Thanks for your useful feedback.

the last boss was kinda tricky, i mean after the 3rd hit when he goes mad and the lava waves start to come i thought that they would kill me but i was surprised that they didnt have any effect on me, i dont know if u did that on purpose or if it was glitched but i had fun trying to get all the medals

Etherblood responds:

Thanks for finding this bug, looks like I introduced it when fixing some other bugs, I'll fix it asap.
Thanks for your feedback.