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Reviews for "You Are Disabled"

I like the game, nice idea, but holy F*CK is the sound when you die annoying as hell!

Nice game. Deep idea behind it, and perfectly expressed via the gameplay.

Now, why did you have the need to over-explain in the ending? or in the unnecesary signs? I hoped that playing with a new disability would bring something valuable to the game, but not.

Anyways, great work!

Interesting concept, dark, tragic and true for man out there.

The gameplay was, well, difficult to ay the least, if I were to rank them in difficulty from least to hardest:

Crippled, fairly easy.

Illiterate, challenging but fun.

Nearly blind, HARD.


On something I would like to say about gameplay is that Spastic, well, spasms to often, I would suggest that there be a little bit more time between spasms. Oh and I got the good ending with him too(I'm not sure if it's possible with the others) But while I got the meddle for the ending, I DID NOT GET THE MEDAL FOR BEATING HIM, PLEASE do something about this.

The game is really good but I'm really pissed about that medal.


Having autism, and having some disabling challenges, this game spoke to me. I get it's an art game and it's pretty good in that nature. It actually made me stop playing for a bit because the whole theme that you're in hell because you're disabled and not worthy is very... True. Real. I've faced that prejudice, I face it every day and it meant a lot to me. My first playthrough got me spastic, and it was pretty hard the further I got, so I didn't beat the game as I would have if I had illiteracy or something else. But from what I did see (Stopped at the room with the yellow F blocks, the sign says someone knows how to do "it") I haven't yet tried again, not sure if I can; I feel like the constant painful messages from the signs were too much for me and it's not worth that, but I understand it wasn't personal, hahaha. The gameplay was simple, and it felt like coping with your disability was able to be achieved by those more perseverant than I, those who wouldn't be turned off by the message. NT's, as the people with my specific disorder call "normal" people, would have a better time with this, but it was pretty nice. I feel like the message was the only innovative part of the game, the rest was good but as I said, pretty boring and simple. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but you did so well with the underlying themes that I feel you could've thought of more ways to platform around. Again, I haven't played the whole game so there very well may be, but I don't think so.

Overall, 7.5/10. (Yes, I know 3.5 stars is 7 but there's no 3.75 star option, so the score is 7.5/10)

I present this game with the Proxystarkilla autism mark of sadness, it was depressing as fuck. Actually, no, there's no medals I can give with my name on them. There should be... Anyway, yeah, the game was sad but that's just for me I guess, judging by how, uh... Not humble some of the other reviews are, not many actually disabled people played this game and wouldn't have felt the same, but just know that through the assholes, not mentioning any-TimeFluxMista-names, you did change the way my night will go. It'll be sadder than it usually is for my nights, but that extra sadness is appreciated because it came in the form of a game with a lot of potential, not that it's not already pretty good.

The gameplay is less shitty than people are giving it credit for, and the message is basically spot-on. Sometimes when you're disabled, you just can't do things that society will want you to. Then society will act like a dick about it. If we had wizards, they would probably throw blind people in caves full of lava. All the people going "HURR BUT HE ACTUALLY AM USELESS" would probably be doing the throwing, and fuck them.

Now, there ARE some issues that don't seem to have been caused by, y'know, the point of the game, but I'm willing to let them slide out of spite for the people who are rating this game worse than it deserves due to being shmucks.