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Reviews for "A story of Noah's Ark"


If the Bible is a fake, then I guess England doesn't exist, now does it? Read this.

Victorian Engand has often been compared with the age of England's other great queen, Elizabeth I, for its expansion of knowledge, wealth, and territorial dominion and for its high cultural achievements. Under the wise leadership of Queen Victoria (ruled 1837-1901), Great Britain reached the height of its glory and became the leading country of the world. The British Empire covered a quarter of the globe (including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, and many other parts of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Pacific) and included about a quarter of the world's people, so that it could be said, "The sun never sets on the British Empire." A policy of free trade and a worldwide reputation for honesty made England the world's leading manufacturing nation, the wealthiest country in the world, and the world's banker. The English pound sterling was the standard for international commerce, and British merchant ships carried almost half the trade of the entire world. British scientists made astounding discoveries that furthered industrial expansion and improved everyday life. Indeed, Great Britain had entered an age of incredible prosperity and progress. Surrounded by the splendid accomplishments of the age, the optimistic Victorians eventually developed a strong confidence in the progress of mankind. However, Queen Victoria and the people of Victorian England were not deluded into thinking that it was merely their own intelligence and dilligence that made their country great. Victoria spoke for the nation in her reply to a visiting African prince who asked her the secret of England's success. Victoria did not take him to see the glittering crown jewels, or to observe the great industrial cities at work, or to hear the brilliant orators who debated in Parliament. Instead, she presented the prince with a Bible, and said, "Here is the secret of England's greatness." A prince from India also recognized this truth. "Where did the English-speaking people get all their intelligence, and energy, and cleverness, and power?" he asked. "It is their Bible that gives it to them. And now they bring it to us and say, "This is what raised us. Take it and raise yourselves." Victoria became the living symbol of an age as she both influenced and characterized the thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes of the majority of Englishmen in the 19th century. Victoria emphasized Christian character traits and helped maintain a stong moral foundation that upheld England's excellence.

And by the way, if you can't understand the King James version of the Bible, you might benefit from reading the Student's Life Application Bible.

go worship Satin you basterd

in the Bible god killed everyone because of Adam and Eve they created sin and all the children they had were sinful and never gave thanks and all that shit and because of that god would never be noticed again, so he called upon the only good family wich was Noah's family and he was the only one who still belived in god so he could re-populate the world with his wife and kids and two of every animal.


dam it

i funed this move dume and pontless as my job whicth is a talk back pants well the teens at school say that i am a chistin and GOD is real and if you say GOD not real you can go to hell this move is all wong 1st of her cloths are all wong 2nd GOD did not kill evey cuz they whree evi cuz they sined 3nd noah is not some dumeass 4th they did not go to hell 1st before they went to hell they ment GOD then they funed out if they culed go to hell or not 5th you fact are all wong so i say GOD relly pissed off at you 2nd i say i hope you and any one that relly like thiss dume ass move allso go to hell cuz it not funny i sad relly sad and if you liked it you a sad litte man

False representation.

God was not happy to see the people die. Hell is an absence from God, there is no communication from hell to God. The people were warned, to repent of their sins on several occasions, but instead they mocked and made fun of Noah. God gave the people a chance, but they did not take it. It is their own fault for dieing in the flood.

To the person who put the last review, the "universal christian", God will not wait for everyone on earth to be saved before He comes back. Some people will go to hell when they die, and some people will go to Heaven, based on their relationship with Him here on earth. It is your choice where you go. Not all people will go to Heaven.

I simply didnt like it.

this was a piece of crap. looks like a 13 year old made it.
more practice buddy.