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Reviews for "A story of Noah's Ark"

You really should read more.

You're really ignorant to think that's the story. This is really a stupid portal, and it serves no point but to lower the IQ of any person that watches it. I'll bet you're even a liberal you're so stupid. And you obviously hold ridiculous Catholic beliefs to think that toddlers and babies and "fetuses" get sent to hell. Silly Catholic liberal, go get an education.

infidelguy responds:

Show me where in the Bible does it say that children don't go to hell. Don't even try that "age of accountability" crap. No where in the Bible can you find that.

I copyed this from John_John

in the Bible god killed everyone because of Adam and Eve they created sin and all the children they had were sinful and never gave thanks and all that shit and because of that god would never be noticed again, so he called upon the only good family wich was Noah's family and he was the only one who still belived in GOD so he could re-populate the world with his wife and kids and two of every animal.
This is me: The truth never tasted so good
Go to Hell goths

What Are You Trying to Prove?

According to the Profile, Mr. Finley is a radio talk host for the show "Live with the Infidel Guy" in Atlanta, Georgia. It sounds creepy.

I can always play "Devil's Advocate" and say that this guy is only voicing his opinion about the sacred text we also collectively call the "Book of Life." He has serious concerns about it's interpretation, some of which might possibly be valid--

--if you were a complete moron, possibly.

First of all, Jesus is not specifically God and did not exist until Mary was confronted by Gabriel. So don't flame him about the flood. Secondly, God saw the corruption both in the general population and in a race of "giants" (which were conceived by fallen angels screwing human women) that went up against God's will and the will of nature. Naturally, He went to extreme measures to stop the madness.

If that meant that innocent three year-old girls were to be killed, then so be it, He thought. Not everybody was evil; if you look at it, God would judge everybody fairly as He always does. If you don't think so, He might as well judge you unfairly and then hear you whine about it for eternity.

So, in a nutshell, the movie content is fundamentally flawed and does not even spark a smile. Also--and forgive me if I do not precisely recall the Bible--I don't remember Noah being a public exhibitionist. Who would ask a public exhibitionist to build the ark and preserve the land-dwelling animals of the earth?


You actually find this funny?

What is funny is that you "non-believers" talk about Noah and act like you know a lot about the bible. It seems to me that you just heard about it before and made up the rest. Do any of you believe in heaven? Hell? Do you guys believe in Greek/Roman Mythology? Zeus, Hades, Hera, etc.? Of course... Where is all that magic today? I don't see people being turned into pigs by some "goddess". I don't see vigorous looking creatures waiting to devour you. But I do so miracles, ghosts, demons, and signs from the Bible. The Bible is the truth, the light. Right now, do you see me using profanity or bellowing about your beliefs? Fine, believe what you want to, but don't go into other people's beliefs and religion and go about blaspheming. What right do you have? Your theories, of Noah and the great flood is misled. You say us "Christians" should get our facts straight before we "preach". I believe it is you "atheists", mostly, who need to get your facts straight. Why bother arguing or reading the Bible? You atheists do not believe in "God", or "gods. The remaining few of you are people who believe in God, possibly, but not Jesus, or both, but taunt and poke fun at this.. Unless you guys find the right path, which I hope some of you do, either now, soon, or during the rapture. You will be spending Eternal Damnation in the bowels of hell.

P.S. From observing your grammatical errors, I guesstimate that the majority of you are either prepubescent, or below grade level teens-adults.
Have fun in hell..

Hey, Infedel guy

If you are going to bash a holy book, don't paraphrase the damned thing to do it!