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Reviews for "Google Plus Tube"

The best thing was when one of the founders of Youtube complained that he had to make an account on Google+ to make a comment. (On his own video he uploaded 8 years ago)
Excellent animation and you hit the topic right on its head.

Malagana Shared via +google

Before anyone continues to yell "OH HERP DERP PEOPLE JUST DON'T LIKE CHANGE" lemmie tell ya something mate: we like change THAT IMPROVES THINGS. G+ just makes them worse, Google has been fucking up repeatedly, and they NEVER listen to their users. Have you ever seen a place where you can submit suggestions directly? A place where you can talk with a Google representative? NO. That's because Google doesn't give two shits about what their changes cause. They've turned something amazing into something utterly shit. This video completely captures many of our feelings. If only Google would listen to us every fucking once in a while, MAYBE THEN YOUTUBE WOULD STOP SUCKING. Seriously, screw G+.

Hahaha! Everybody's reaction to Google Plus!

So very true. I've gone so far as to compeltely remove my Youtube account lately. Seven years of personal internet history down the drain. ;_; I've bookmarked my favourites and will remain a lurker evermore on Youtube after this.
But hey! Look at the bright side! I'm actively going to NG again! Wooh! (this has to be read with a slight tinge of sarcasm).
Already signed the petition. I'm curious to see what Google will do..

marsonNG responds:

They seem to just be building upon the new changes and "google+ is amazing, you should be thrilled to be using this fantastic tool" looks to be google's general response to any criticism. I've got a bad feeling that's all we're going to get.. it's frustrating but it looks like they're going to get away with it. seems people need to continue using youtube no matter what.. I blame the lack of worthy competitors.