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Reviews for "Asslevania: SOTB"

Im only missing medal 10 (1st hidden song); anyone knows where it is? I throught that one from behind the green column was it, but it doesn't do anything

I love this game, it makes me nostalgic when I played when I was child, I can't stop playing the final part, please make more games like this with final parts like this one.

LEVELING UP-----------------------------------------------------------
Collect start to level up Johnny Belmont.
you mean "collect stars"

I was enjoying this until I hit those glowing green meanies. Ugh.....Cupcake mode? Ha!
This game has lots of cool features, music, voice effects, MEDALS, etc. but it's a bit too difficult for me. I am gonna check out your other games!

How the hell can i defeat to slutcula (second form) ?

deathink responds:

slap bobs