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Reviews for "Good Citizen"

Great animation, though i can't belive that 9/11 was a conspiracy i do belive that the goverment did a great job on jumping on the opprtunity to limit our freedoms and then fearmonger the people into not questioning it.

Not bad overall.

...I think you meant "symptom" and "vigilant" in that last bit, though, not "syndrome" and "vigilante".

KiWiArts responds:

Let’s say this was just a test to see who’s on guard to spot the errors >_>

Seriously, thanks to you too for pointing out the typos. You never got enough eyeballs to spot those.
Going to fix those.

I would give it a 5 since the message gets through, but one thing that really bothers me when delivering a message is grammar.

KiWiArts responds:

Sorry English is not my native language. But at least the message got across right xP

This was a well put together flash. The animation was solid and the text was placed in such a way that there was ample time to read it, without it drawing on forever. This being said, the overall message was a little preachy.
But don't worry. I picked up on the subliminal message. I immediately went out and bought a lolly-pop after watching this. Thank you, I didn't even know that's what I wanted til I watched this flash.

KiWiArts responds:

lol... I guess good for you then?.....>_>

Kind of cheesy.
But still powerful.
Still carrying the messages that are too often ignored or swept under the rug, under the label of "Conspiracy theory"; as if conspiracies themselves had never been proven correct.
Fact is, people are what they are.
People are stupid. And lazy. Stupid because of an inefficient educational system and an outdated educational paradigm, and thus, lazy because they have been conditioned into naught but subservience, which leads to that lazy "I don't care about the way my life is run, as long as I'm not the one running it" mindset. It's a good animation, yes. But with some more careful research and imagery, it could be better.

It still annoys me though, how you dumb fucking Americans have all the evidence at your fingertips, and can be shown this evidence by men with P.H.Ds, and Doctorates (if you haven't heard yet, the 9/11 commission THEMSELVES have gone on record with a full-blown documentary, to tell you that they bullshitted you.) but if it doesn't follow what "duh gubmint" tells you what to think, you, with no critical thought, no rationality or further research just ignore it, ridicule those experts, and sit on your ass.
And then you still bitch and whine for change.
If you want freedom and justice and rights, you'll have to fight for them.
Not by voting- it should be obvious by now that it does fuck all.
Not by protesting in a civil and legal manner- look at how that ended for the Occupy movement.
No, you need to FIGHT.
With guns.
Sound extreme? Well, duh. But George Washington didn't free this country from Britain by playing politics and sitting on his ass like a whiny little cunt.
He truly fought for what he believed in, and if change is what YOU truly believe in, then you must spill blood, or your own must be spilled, before that change ever becomes possible.
A social change can be brought about simply by a shift in the mindset of the people.
A political change must be bought with guns, ammo, and the stones to use them, and sold off with blood. No other way could ever efficiently bring down such a plutocracy as ours.